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O'Leary J.J, Reid N., Hubbard R.E, Peel N.M.  2022.  Prevalence and factors associated with advance health directives in frail older inpatients. Internal Medicine Journal. 52(7):1160-1166.
Tatton A., Wu Z., Bloomfield K., Boyd M., Broad J.B, Calvert C., Hikaka J., Peri K., Higgins A.M, Connolly M.J.  2022.  The prevalence and intensity of pain in older people living in retirement villages in Auckland, New Zealand. Health & social care in the community. 30(6):e4280-e4292.
Dell'Aquila G., Peladic N.J, Nunziata V., Fedecostante M., Salvi F., Carrieri B., Liperoti R., Carfi A., Eusebi P., Onder G. et al..  2022.  Prevalence and management of dysphagia in nursing home residents in Europe and Israel: the SHELTER Project. BMC geriatrics. 22(1):719.
Mulla R.T, Turcotte L.A, Wellens N.IH, Angevaare M.J, Weir J., Jantzi M., Hebert P.C, Heckman G.A, van Hout H., Millar N. et al..  2022.  Prevalence and predictors of influenza vaccination in long-term care homes: a cross-national retrospective observational study. BMJ Open. 12(4):e057517.
Guthrie D.M, Williams N., Jaiswal A., Mick P., O'Rourke H.M, Pichora-Fuller M.K, Wittich W., Sutradhar R..  2022.  Prevalence of sensory impairments in home care and long-term care using interRAI data from across Canada. BMC geriatrics. 22(1)
Webber C., Watt C.L, Bush S.H, Lawlor P.G, Knoefel F., Momoli F., Thavorn K., Casey G., Tanuseputro P..  2022.  Probable Delirium and Associated Patient Characteristics in Long-Term Care and Complex Continuing Care: A Population-Based Observational Study. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 23(1):66-72.e2.
Angevaare M.J, Joling K.J, Smalbrugge M., Choi H., Twisk J.WR, Hertogh C.MPM, van Hout H.PJ.  2022.  Psychological Resilience in Older Residents of Long-term Care Facilities: Occurrence and Associated Factors. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.
Molinari-Ulate M, Mahmoudi A, Franco-Martin MA, van der Roest HG.  2022.  Psychometric characteristics of comprehensive geriatric assessments (CGAs) for long-term care facilities and community care: A systematic review. Ageing Research Reviews. 81:101742.
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Turcotte L, Heckman G, Hébert P, Weir J, Mulla R, Hirdes JP.  2022.  Qualite des soins dans les etablissements de soins de longue duree canadiens accueillant differents groupes linguistiques.. Société Française de Santé Publique. 34(3):359-369.
Kuha S., Niemela K., Vahakangas P., Noro A., Lotvonen S., Kanste O..  2022.  Quality of care plans in long-term care facilities for the older persons-How well is information from RAI assessments utilised in care planning? International journal of older people nursing. 17(3):e12442.
van der Krogt I.EJ, Sizoo E.M, van Loon A.M, Hendriks S.A, Smalbrugge M..  2022.  The Recovery After COVID-19 in Nursing Home Residents. Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine. 8
Hikaka J., Wu Z., Bloomfield K., Connolly M.J, Boyd M., Bramley D..  2022.  Referral for publicly funded aged care services in Indigenous populations: An exploratory cohort study of ethnic variation in Aotearoa New Zealand. Australasian journal on ageing. 41(3):473-478.
Chamberlain S.A, Bronskill S.E, Hsu Z., Youngson E., Gruneir A..  2022.  Resident loneliness, social isolation and unplanned emergency department visits from supportive living facilities: a population-based study in Alberta, Canada. BMC geriatrics. 22(1):21.
Tsuchiya-Ito R., Naruse T., Ishibashi T., Ikegami N..  2022.  The revised index for social engagement (RISE) in long-term care facilities: reliability and validity in Japan. Psychogeriatrics. 22(1):122-131.
Stewart SL, Celebre A, Hirdes JP, Poss JW.  2022.  Risk of Injury to Others: The Development of an Algorithm to Identify Children and Youth at High-Risk of Aggressive Behaviours. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 12
Lette M, Stoop A, Nijpels G, Baan C, de Bruin S, van Hout H.  2022.  Safety risks among frail older people living at home in the Netherlands - A cross-sectional study in a routine primary care sample. Health & social care in the community. 30(2):e469-e477.
Doupe M., Brunkert T., Wagg A., Ginsburg L., Norton P., Berta W., Knopp-Sihota J., Estabrooks C..  2022.  SCOPE: safer care for older persons (in residential) environments-a pilot study to enhance care aide-led quality improvement in nursing homes. Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 8(1):26.
Stewart SL, Toohey A..  2022.  Screening and assessment of mental health problems in students: Utilizing an integrated assessment-to-intervention approach to enhance integrated care.. School, Clinical, and Counseling Psychology: Mental Health Assessment, Prevention, and Intervention.
Leahy A., Corey G., Purtill H., O'Neill A., Devlin C., Barry L., Cummins N., Gabr A., Shanahan E., Shchetkovsky D. et al..  2022.  Screening instruments to predict adverse outcomes for undifferentiated older adults attending the emergency department: Results of SOAED prospective cohort study. European Geriatric Medicine. 13(Supplement 1):S170.
Morris JN, Fries BE, Bernabei R, Steel K, Ikegami N, Carpenter I, Gilgen R, DuPasquier J-N, Frijters D, Henrard J-C et al..  2022.  Services à domicile (SD) interRAI, manuel de l’utilisateur et formulaire d’évaluation, Édition canadienne française, 9.1.4. :144.
McQuaid R.J, Nikolitch K., Vandeloo K.L, Burhunduli P., Phillips J.L.  2022.  Sex Differences in Determinants of Suicide Risk Preceding Psychiatric Admission: An Electronic Medical Record Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 13
Hansford R., Ouellette-Kuntz H., Martin L..  2022.  Short Report: The influence of congregate setting on positive COVID-19 tests among a high-risk sample of adults with intellectual and developmental disability in Ontario. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 122