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Broad JB, Wu Z, Hikaka J, Bloomfield K, Tatton A, Boyd M, Peri K, Calvert C, Higgins A-M, Bramley D et al..  2019.  Health of residents in retirement villages in New Zealand: who lives there, why did they move in, what are their health needs? Age and Ageing. 48(Supplement_2):ii19-ii19.
Broad JB, Wu Z, Bloomfield K, Hikaka J, Bramley D, Boyd M, Tatton A, Calvert C, Peri K, Higgins A-M et al..  2020.  Health profile of residents of retirement villages in Auckland, New Zealand: findings from a cross-sectional survey with health assessment. BMJ open. 10(9):e035876.
Boyd M., Calvert C., Tatton A., Wu Z., Bloomfield K., Broad J.B, Hikaka J., Higgins A.M, Connolly M.J.  2021.  Lonely in a crowd: Loneliness in New Zealand retirement village residents. International Psychogeriatrics. 33(5):481-493.
Bloomfield K., Wu Z., Broad J.B, Tatton A., Calvert C., Hikaka J., Boyd M., Peri K., Bramley D., Higgins A.M et al..  2022.  Learning from a multidisciplinary randomized controlled intervention in retirement village residents. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 70(3):743-753.
Bloomfield K, Wu Z, Tatton A, Calvert C, Hikaka J, Boyd M, Bramley D, Connolly MJ.  2024.  The Association between Frailty, Quality of Life and Resilience in Community-dwelling Retirement Village Residents. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 25(11):105256.
Bloomfield K, Wu Z, Tatton A, Calvert C, Peel N, Hubbard R, Jamieson H, Hikaka J, Boyd M, Bramley D et al..  2022.  An interRAI derived frailty index predicts acute hospitalizations in older adults residing in retirement villages: A prospective cohort study. PLOS ONE. 17(3):e0264715.
Blekken LElisabeth, Nakrem S, Vinsnes AGuttormsen, Norton C, Mørkved, iv S, Salvesen Ø, Gjeilo KHanne.  2016.  Constipation and Laxative Use among Nursing Home Patients: Prevalence and Associations Derived from the Residents Assessment Instrument for Long-Term Care Facilities (interRAI LTCF). Gastroenterol Res Pract. 2016:1215746.
Blekken L.E, Vinsnes A.G, Gjeilo K.H, Norton C., Morkved S., Salvesen O., Nakrem S..  2016.  Exploring faecal incontinence in nursing home patients: a cross-sectional study of prevalence and associations derived from the Residents Assessment Instrument for Long-Term Care Facilities. J Adv Nurs. 72(7):1579-91.
Blekken L.E, Nakrem S., Gjeilo K.H, Norton C., Morkved S., Vinsnes A.G.  2015.  Feasibility, acceptability, and adherence of two educational programs for care staff concerning nursing home patients' fecal incontinence: a pilot study preceding a cluster-randomized controlled trial. Implement Sci. 10:72.
Blekken LElisabeth, Vinsnes AGuttormsen, Gjeilo KHanne, Mørkved, iv S, Salvesen Ø, Norton C, Nakrem S.  2015.  Effect of a multifaceted educational program for care staff concerning fecal incontinence in nursing home patients: study protocol of a cluster randomized controlled trial. Trials. 16:69.
Blekken LElisabeth, Vinsnes AGuttormsen, Gjeilo KHanne, Norton C, Mørkved, iv S, Salvesen Ø, Nakrem S.  2016.  Exploring faecal incontinence in nursing home patients: a cross‐sectional study of prevalence and associations derived from the Residents Assessment Instrument for Long‐Term Care Facilities. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 72(7):1579-1591.
Buttar A., Blaum C., Fries B..  2001.  Clinical characteristics and six-month outcomes of nursing home residents with low activities of daily living dependency. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 56(5):M292-7.
Fries B.E, Morris J.N, Skarupski K.A, Blaum C.S, Galecki A., Bookstein F., Ribbe M..  2000.  Accelerated dysfunction among the very oldest-old in nursing homes. Journals of Gerontology Series A-Biological Sciences & Medical Sciences. 55(6):M336-41.