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Stewart S.L, Hassani K.F, Poss J., Hirdes J..  2017.  The determinants of service complexity in children with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. 61(11):1055-1068.
Lau C., Stewart S.L, Saklofske D.H, Hirdes J..  2021.  Development and psychometric validation of the interRAI ChYMH externalizing subscale. Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry. 26(1):295-305.
Rios S., Meyer S.B, Hirdes J., Elliott S., Perlman C.M.  2021.  The development and validation of a marginalization index for inpatient psychiatry. The International journal of social psychiatry. 67(4):324-334.
Abey-Nesbit R., Van Doren S., Ahn S., Iheme L., Peel N.M, Declercq A., Hirdes J., Allore H., Jamieson H.A.  2022.  Factors associated with caregiver distress among home care clients in New Zealand: Evidence based on data from interRAI Home Care assessment. Australasian journal on ageing. 41(2):237-246.
McArthur C., Ioannidis G., Jantzi M., Hillier L., Adachi J.D, Giangregorio L., Hirdes J., Papaioannou A..  2020.  Factors That Predict 1-Year Incident Hip and Non-Hip Fractures for Home Care Recipients: A Linked-Data Retrospective Cohort Study. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 22(5):1035-1042.
Hirdes J..  1995.  Final report: classification of patients in metropolitan Toronto continuing care beds according to the U.S. Minimum Data Set 2.0 and RUG-III grouping methodology.. Metropolitan Toronto Hospital Restructuring Committee.
Rangrej J., Kaufman S., Wang S., Kerem A., Hirdes J., Hillmer M.P, Malikov K..  2022.  Identifying Unexpected Deaths in Long-Term Care Homes. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 23(8):1431.e21-1431.e28.
Boscart V.M, Heckman G.A, Huson K., Brohman L., Harkness K.I, Hirdes J., McKelvie R.S, Stolee P..  2017.  Implementation of an interprofessional communication and collaboration intervention to improve care capacity for heart failure management in long-term care. J Interprof Care. 31(5):583-592.
Fries B.E, Fahey C.J, Hawes C., Vladeck B.C, Morris J., Phillips C., Fredeking H., Hirdes J., Sinclair D.G, King J.T.  2003.  Implementing the Resident Assessment Instrument: Case studies of policymaking for long-term care in eight countries. Milbank Memorial Fund. :129.
Mitchell L.A, Hirdes J., Poss J.W, Slegers-Boyd C., Caldarelli H., Martin L..  2015.  Informal caregivers of clients with neurological conditions: profiles, patterns and risk factors for distress from a home care prevalence study. Bmc Health Services Research. 15
Boscart V., Taucar L.S, Heyer M., Kellendonk T., Johnson K., Davey M., Peel N., Heckman G., Hirdes J..  2021.  InterRAI Acute Care Instrument for Seniors in Canadian Hospitals: Findings of an Inter-Rater Reliability Pilot Study. Can J Nurs Res. 53(2):155-161.
Cruz C., Vacarezza A., Márquez P., Hirdes J..  2007.  ¿interRAI: Otra muralla de datos o una nueva ventana para ver a los pacientes? Revista de Administracion Sanitaria. XXIV:64-79.
Hirdes J..  2000.  Long-term care in the information age: the potential of the MDS.. Stride. (February/May):14-17.
Koehler M., Rabinowitz T., Hirdes J., Stones M., Carpenter G.I, Fries B.E, Morris J.N, Jones R.N.  2005.  Measuring depression in nursing home residents with the MDS and GDS: an observational psychometric study. BMC Geriatr. 5:1.
Doran DM, Hirdes J., Blais R, G. Baker R, Pickard J, Jantzi m.  2009.  The nature of safety problems among Canadian homecare clients: evidence from the RAI-HC© reporting system. Journal of Nursing Management. 17(2):165-174.
Giangregorio L.M, Jantzi M., Papaioannou A., Hirdes J., Maxwell C.J, Poss J.W.  2009.  Osteoporosis management among residents living in long-term care. Osteoporosis International. 20(9):1471-8.
Adekpedjou R., Heckman G.A, Hebert P.C, Costa A.P, Hirdes J..  2022.  Outcomes of advance care directives after admission to a long-term care home: DNR the DNH? BMC geriatrics. 22(1):22.
Sinn C.L, Tran J., Pauley T., Hirdes J..  2016.  Predicting Adverse Outcomes After Discharge From Complex Continuing Care Hospital Settings to the Community. Prof Case Manag. 21(3):127-36;quizE3-4.
Knight J., Jantzi M., Hirdes J., Rabinowitz T..  2018.  Predictors of Electroconvulsive Therapy Use in a Large Inpatient Psychiatry Population. The Journal of ECT. 34(1):35-39.
Hirdes J..  1996.  The prevalence, correlates and risks associated with psychotropic drug use in Canadian hospitals.. Hong Kong Journal of Gerontology. 10:84-88.
McArthur C., Hirdes J., Chaurasia A., Berg K., Giangregorio L..  2018.  Quality Changes after Implementation of an Episode of Care Model with Strict Criteria for Physical Therapy in Ontario's Long-Term Care Homes. Health Serv Res. 53(6):4863-4885.
McArthur C., Gibbs J.C, Patel R., Papaioannou A., Neves P., Killingbeck J., Hirdes J., Milligan J., Berg K., Giangregorio L..  2017.  A Scoping Review of Physical Rehabilitation in Long-Term Care: Interventions, Outcomes, Tools. Can J Aging. 36(4):435-452.
Steel K., Jonsson P.V, DuPasquier J.N, Gilgen R., Hirdes J., Schroll M., Ljunggren G., Carpenter I., Bjørnson J..  1999.  Systems of care for frail older persons. InterRAI. Trans Am Clin Climatol Assoc. 110:30-5;discussion35-7.