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Journal Article
Kuspinar A, Hirdes JP, Berg K, McArthur C, Morris JN.  2019.  Development and validation of an algorithm to assess risk of first-time falling among home care clients. BMC Geriatrics. 19(1):264.
Morris JN, Berg K, Howard EP, Jónsson PV, Craig M.  2019.  Functional Recovery Within a Formal Home Care Program. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 20(8):1001-1006.
Morris JN, Carpenter I, Berg K, Jones RN.  2000.  Outcome measures for use with home care clients. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement. 19(S2):87-105.
Mor V, Berg K, Angelelli J, Gifford D, Morris J, Moore T.  2003.  The quality of quality measurement in US nursing homes. The Gerontologist. 43(suppl 2):37-46.
Berg K, Finne-Soveri H, Gray L, Henrard J, Hirdes J, Ikegami N, Ljunggren G, Morris J, Paquay L, Resnik L et al..  2009.  Relationship between interRAI HC and the ICF: opportunity for operationalizing the ICF. BMC Health Services Research. 9(1):47.
Fletcher PC, Berg K, Dalby DM, Hirdes JP.  2009.  Risk factors for falling among community-based seniors. Journal of Patient Safety. 5(2):61-6.
Fletcher PC, Guthrie DM, Berg K, Hirdes JP.  2010.  Risk factors for restriction in activity associated with fear of falling among seniors within the community. Journal of Patient Safety. 6(3):187-91.
Guthrie DM, Fletcher PC, Berg K, Williams E, Boumans N, Hirdes JP.  2012.  The Role of Medications in Predicting Activity Restriction Due to a Fear of Falling. Journal of Aging and Health. 24(2):269-286.
Gray L, Berg K, Fries B, Henrard J-C, Hirdes J, Steel K, Morris J.  2009.  Sharing clinical information across care settings: the birth of an integrated assessment system. BMC Health Services Research. 9(1):71.
Gray LC, Bernabei R, Berg K, Finne‐Soveri H, Fries BE, Hirdes JP, Jonsson PV, Morris JN, Steel K, Ariño‐Blasco S.  2008.  Standardizing assessment of elderly people in acute care: the interRAI Acute Care instrument. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 56(3):536-41.
Morris JN, Howard EP, Steel K, Berg K, Tchalla A, Munankarmi A, David D.  2016.  Strategies to reduce the risk of falling: Cohort study analysis with 1-year follow-up in community dwelling older adults. BMC Geriatrics. 16(1):92.
Peel NM, Jones LV, Berg K, Gray LC.  2021.  Validation of a Falls Risk Screening Tool Derived From InterRAI Acute Care Assessment. J Patient Saf. 17(8):e1152-e1156.
McArthur C, Hirdes J, Berg K, Giangregorio L.  2015.  Who receives rehabilitation in canadian long-term care facilities? A cross-sectional study Physiotherapy Canada. Physiotherapie Canada. 67(2):113-21.