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Foebel AD, Liperoti R, Onder G, Finne-Soveri H, Henrard JClaude, Lukas A, Denkinger MD, Gambassi G, Bernabei R, Investigators SHELTERStudy.  2014.  Use of Antipsychotic Drugs Among Residents With Dementia in European Long-Term Care Facilities: Results From the SHELTER Study. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 15(12):911-917.
Foebel A.D, Hirdes J.P, Heckman G.A.  2012.  Caregiver status affects medication adherence among older home care clients with heart failure. Aging Clin Exp Res. 24(6):718-21.
Foebel A.D, Liperoti R., Gambassi G., Gindin J., Ben Israel J., Bernabei R., Onder G..  2014.  Prevalence and correlates of cardiovascular medication use among nursing home residents with ischemic heart disease: Results from the SHELTER study. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 15(6):410-415.
Foebel A.D, Hirdes J.P, Boodram C., Lemick R., Tai J.W, Comeau R.L.  2016.  Comparing the care needs of people living with and without HIV in Canadian home and long-term care settings. Canada Communicable Disease Report. 42(3):52-56.
Flick U, Garms-Homolova V, Herrmann WJ, Kuck J, Röhnsch G.  2012.  “I Can’t Prescribe Something Just Because Someone Asks for It...” Using Mixed Methods in the Framework of Triangulation. Journal of Mixed Methods Research. 6(2):97-110.
Fletcher P.C, Hirdes J.P.  2005.  Risk factor for accidental injuries within senior citizens' homes: analysis of the Canadian Survey on Ageing and Independence. J Gerontol Nurs. 31(2):49-57.
Fletcher PC, Berg K, Dalby DM, Hirdes JP.  2009.  Risk factors for falling among community-based seniors. Journal of Patient Safety. 5(2):61-6.
Fletcher P.C, Hirdes J.P.  2004.  Restriction in activity associated with fear of falling among community-based seniors using home care services. Age Ageing. 33(3):273-9.
Fletcher P.C, Hirdes J.P.  2002.  Risk factors for falling among community-based seniors using home care services. Journals of Gerontology Series A Biological Sciences & Medical Sciences. 57(8):M504-M510.
Fletcher P.C, Hirdes J.P.  2001.  Assessing the health and functional status of older women with breast cancer using the Minimum Data Set-Home Care (MDS-HC). Canadian Journal of Public Health Revue Canadienne de Sante Publique. 92(6):457-9.
Fletcher PC, Guthrie DM, Berg K, Hirdes JP.  2010.  Risk factors for restriction in activity associated with fear of falling among seniors within the community. Journal of Patient Safety. 6(3):187-91.
Flacker J.M, Kiely D.K.  1998.  A practical approach to identifying mortality-related factors in established long-term care residents. J Am Geriatr Soc. 46(8):1012-5.
Fisher KA, Seow H, Brazil K, Freeman S, Smith TFrise, Guthrie DM.  2014.  Prevalence and risk factors of depressive symptoms in a Canadian palliative home care population: a cross-sectional study. BMC Palliative Care. 13:10-10.
Fisher K, Seow H, Cohen J, Declercq A, Freeman S, Guthrie DM.  2015.  Patient characteristics associated with prognostic awareness: a study of a Canadian palliative care population using the InterRAI palliative care instrument. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 49(4):716-25.
Fisher SE, Burgio LD, Thorn BE, Allen-Burge R, Gerstle J, Roth DL, Allen SJ.  2002.  Pain assessment and management in cognitively impaired nursing home residents: association of certified nursing assistant pain report, Minumum Data Set pain report, and analgesic medication use.. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 50(1):152-156.
Fisher K.A, Seow H., Brazil K., Smith T.F, Guthrie D.M.  2015.  Dimensionality, Reliability and Validity of the InterRAI Depression Rating Scale in a Canadian Palliative Care Population. Social Indicators Research. 122(1):297-314.
U Finne‐Soveri H, Tilvis RS.  1998.  How accurate is the terminal prognosis in the minimum data set? Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 46(8):1023-1024.
Finne-Soveri H., Tilvis R.S.  1998.  Daily pain, its associates and impact on work load in institutional long-term care. Archives of Gerontology & Geriatrics. 27(2):105-114.
Finne-Soveri H., Noro A.  2000.  RAI: A new tool for planning of the elderly care.. Sairaala. 4(62):12-14.
Finne-Soveri H., Sorbye L.W, Jonsson P.V, Carpenter G.I, Bernabei R..  2008.  Increased work-load associated with faecal incontinence among home care patients in 11 European countries. European Journal of Public Health. 18(3):323-8.
Finne-Soveri H, Hammar T, Noro A.  2010.  Measuring the quality of long-term institutional care in Finland. Eurohealth. 16(2):8.
Finne-Soveri H., Pitkala K..  2007.  Is older age a blessing for persons with painful conditions? Pain. 129(1-2):3-4.
Finne-Soveri H..  1999.  It really is possible to measure, compare and improve the quality of care in the institutional long-term care.. Duodecim. 115:1600-1610.
Finne-Soveri U.H, Tilvis R.S.  1999.  Predictability of death in end-stage dementia: Patient characteristics and work-load associated with the condition. International Journal of Geriatric Psychopharmacology. 2(1):5-9.
Finne-Soveri H, Noro A, Jonsson PV, Ljunggren G, Grue EVengnes, Jensdottir ABirna, Björkgren M, Lindman K, Schroll M, Sørbye LWergeland.  2008.  Nord RAI Network and research in the care of older persons. Final Report 1998-2008.