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Williams B.C, Fries B.E, Mehr D.R.  1996.  Patterns and determinants of health services use and mortality after VA nursing home care. Journal of Aging & Health. 8(2):280-301.
Wodchis W.P, Fries B.E, Pollack H..  2004.  Payer Incentives and Physical Rehabilitation Therapy for Nonelderly Institutional Long-Term Care Residents: Evidence from Michigan and Ontario. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 85(2):210-217.
Mehr D.R, Williams B.C, Fries B.E.  1997.  Predicting discharge outcomes of VA nursing home residents. Journal of Aging & Health. 9(2):244-65.
James M.L, Wiley E., Fries B.E.  2007.  Predicting nursing facility transition candidates using AID: a case study. Gerontologist. 47(5):625-32.
Williams B.C, Li Y., Fries B.E, Warren R.L.  1997.  Predicting patient scores between the functional independence measure and the minimum data set: development and performance of a FIM-MDS "crosswalk".[erratum appears in Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1998 Feb;79(2):231]. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 78(1):48-54.
Williams B.C, Li Y., Fries B.E, Warren R.L.  1997.  Predicting patient scores between the functional independence measure and the minimum data set: development and performance of a FIM-MDS "crosswalk". Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 78(1):48-54.
Morris J.N, Howard E.P, Steel K., Schreiber R., Fries B.E, Lipsitz L.A, Goldman B..  2014.  Predicting risk of hospital and emergency department use for home care elderly persons through a secondary analysis of cross-national data. BMC Health Serv Res. 14:519.
Martin L., Poss J.W, Hirdes J.P, Jones R.N, Stones M.J, Fries B.E.  2008.  Predictors of a new depression diagnosis among older adults admitted to complex continuing care: implications for the depression rating scale (DRS). Age and Ageing. 37(1):51-6.
Langmore S.E, Skarupski K.A, Park P.S, Fries B.E.  2002.  Predictors of aspiration pneumonia in nursing home residents. Dysphagia. 17(4):298-307.
Voelkl J.E, Fries B.E, Galecki A.T.  1995.  Predictors of nursing home residents' participation in activity programs. Gerontologist. 35(1):44-51.
Riter R.N, Fries B.E.  1992.  Predictors of the placement of cognitively impaired residents on special care units.. Gerontologist. 32(2):184-90.
Diwan S., Shugarman L.R, Fries B.E.  2004.  Problem identification and care plan responses in a home and community-based services program. Journal of Applied Gerontology. 23(3):193-211.
Steel K., Ljunggren G., Topinkova E., Morris J.N, Vitale C., Parzuchowski J., Nonemaker S., Frijters D.H, Rabinowitz T., Murphy K.M et al..  2003.  The RAI-PC: An assessment instrument for palliative care in all settings. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care. 20(3):211-219.
Phillips C.D, Hawes C., Fries B.E.  1993.  Reducing the use of physical restraints in nursing homes: will it increase costs? American Journal of Public Health. 83(3):342-8.
Fries B.E, Schneider D.P, Foley W.J, Gavazzi M., Burke R., Cornelius E..  1994.  Refining a case-mix measure for nursing homes: Resource Utilization Groups (RUG-III). Medical Care. 32(7):668-85.
Hirdes J.P, Smith T.F, Rabinowitz T., Yamauchi K., Pérez E., Telegdi N.C, Prendergast P., Morris J.N, Ikegami N., Phillips C.D et al..  2003.  The resident assessment instrument-mental health (RAI-MH): Inter-rater reliability and convergent validity. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research. 29(4):419-432.
Mehr D.R, Fries B.E.  1995.  Resource use on Alzheimer's special care units.. Gerontologist. 35(2):179-84.
Fries B.E, Cooney, Jr. L.M.  1985.  Resource utilization groups. A patient classification system for long-term care. Medical Care. 23(2):110-22.
Carpenter G.I, Ikegami N., Ljunggren G., Carrillo E., Fries B.E.  1997.  RUG-III and resource allocation: comparing the relationship of direct care time with patient characteristics in five countries. Age & Ageing. 26(Suppl 2):61-5.