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Phillips C.D, Hawes C..  1992.  Nursing home case-mix classification and residents suffering from cognitive impairment: RUG-II and cognition in the Texas case-mix data base. Medical Care. 30(2):105-16.
Phillips CD, Hawes C, Mor V, Fries BE, Morris JN.  1997.  Geriatric assessment in nursing homes in the United States: Impact of a national program. Generations: Journal of the American Society on Aging. 21(4):15-20.
Phillips CD, Preece C, Hawes C.  2005.  Investigating Case-Mix Classification for Elderly Residents in Assisted Living. Seniors Housing & Care Journal. 13(1):21-34.
Phillips C., Dyer J., Janousek V., Halperin L., Hawes C..  2008.  Providing appropriate services to individuals in the community: a preliminary case-mix model for allocating personal care services. Journal of Health and Human Services Administration. 30(4):378.
Phillips CD, Hawes C.  2009.  Nursing Home Quality.. Encyclopedia of health services research, Volume Two.. :861-865.
Phillips C.D, Morris J.N.  1997.  The potential for using administrative and clinical data to analyze outcomes for the cognitively impaired: an assessment of the minimum data set for nursing homes. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders. 11(Suppl 6):162-7.
Phillips CD, Spry KM.  2000.  Characteristics and Care of U.S. Nursing Home Residents with a History of Chronic Mental Illness. Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement. 19(S2):1-17.
Phillips C.D, Chu C.W, Morris J.N, Hawes C..  1993.  Effects of cognitive impairment on the reliability of geriatric assessments in nursing homes. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 41(2):136-42.
Phillips C.D, Hawes C., Lieberman T., Koren M.J.  2007.  Where should Momma go? Current nursing home performance measurement strategies and a less ambitious approach BMC Health Services Research. 7:93.
Phillips CD, Patnaik A, Moudouni DK, Naiser E, Dyer JA, Hawes C, Fournier CJ, Miller TR, Elliott TR.  2012.  Summarizing activity limitations in children with chronic illnesses living in the community: a measurement study of scales using supplemented interRAI items. BMC Health Services Research. 12(1):19.
Phillips C, Dyer J, Hawes C, Janousek V, Voloudakis M, Halperin L.  2005.  Modeling the provision of hours of personal care in home care services. GERONTOLOGIST. 45:590-590.
Phillips CD, Hawes C.  2009.  National Citizens Coalition for Nursing Home Reform (NCCNHR).. Encyclopedia of health services research, Volume Two.. :805-807.
Phillips C.D, Knopman D.S.  1999.  Neurology "with the bark off": tacrine, nursing home residents, and health services research.[comment]. Neurology. 52(2):227-30.
Phillips C.D., Spry K..  2000.  Nursing home case-mix classification and residents suffering from cognitive impairment.. Medical Care. 30(2):105-116.
Phillips CD, Chen M, Sherman M.  2008.  To What Degree Does Provider Performance Affect a Quality Indicator? The Case of Nursing Homes and ADL Change The Gerontologist. 48(3):330-337.
Phillips CD, Hawes C, Fries BE.  1994.  High costs of restraints. Provider. 20(2):33-4.
Phillips CD, Patnaik A, Dyer JA, Naiser E, Hawes C, Fournier CJ, Elliott TR.  2011.  Reliability and the measurement of activity limitations (ADLs) for children with special health care needs (CSHCN) living in the community. Disability & Rehabilitation. 33(21-22):2013-22.
Phillips L.J, Birtley N.M, Petroski G.F, Siem C., Rantz M..  2018.  An observational study of antipsychotic medication use among long-stay nursing home residents without qualifying diagnoses. J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs. 25(8):463-474.
Phillips CD, Hawes C.  2009.  Long-Term Care Costs.. Encyclopedia of health services research, Volume Two.. :693-696.
Phillips CD, Hawes C, Morris JN, Berg K, Björkgren M, Declercq A, Finne-Soveri H, Fries BE, Frijters D, Gray L et al..  2015.  interRAI Pediatric Home Care (PEDS-HC) Assessment Form and User’s Manual. :128.
Phillips C.D, Sloane P.D, Hawes C., Koch G., Han J., Spry K., Dunteman G., Williams R.L.  1997.  Effects of residence in Alzheimer disease special care units on functional outcomes. [erratum appears in JAMA 1998 Apr 15;279(15):1174]. JAMA. 278(16):1340-4.
Phillips C.D.  2015.  The Pediatric Home Care/Expenditure Classification Model (P/ECM): A Home Care Case-Mix Model for Children Facing Special Health Care Challenges. Health Serv Insights. 8:35-43.
Pickering J.W, Scrase R., Troughton R., Jamieson H.A.  2022.  Evaluation of the added value of Brain Natriuretic Peptide to a validated mortality risk-prediction model in older people using a standardised international clinical assessment tool. PLoS ONE. 17(11 November):e0277850.
Pickering JW, Abey-Nesbit R, Allore H, Jamieson H.  2020.  Development and validation of multivariable mortality risk-prediction models in older people undergoing an interRAI home-care assessment (RiskOP). EClinicalMedicine. 29-30:100614.
Pieper M.JC, van der Steen J.T, Francke A.L, Scherder E.JA, Twisk J.WR, Achterberg W.P.  2018.  Effects on pain of a stepwise multidisciplinary intervention (STA OP!) that targets pain and behavior in advanced dementia: A cluster randomized controlled trial. Palliat Med. 32(3):682-692.