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Bernabei R., Gambassi G., Lapane K., Sgadari A., Landi F., Gatsonis C., Lipsitz L., Mor V..  1999.  Characteristics of the SAGE database: a new resource for research on outcomes in long-term care. SAGE (Systematic Assessment of Geriatric drug use via Epidemiology) Study Group. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 54(1):M25-33.
Carpenter I., Gambassi G., Topinkova E., Schroll M., Finne-Soveri H., Henrard J.C, Garms-Homolova V., Jonsson P., Frijters D., Ljunggren G. et al..  2004.  Community care in Europe. The Aged in Home Care project (AdHOC). Aging-Clinical & Experimental Research. 16(4):259-69.
Landi F., Gambassi G., Lapane K.L, Sgadari A., Gifford D., Mor V., Bernabei R..  1998.  Comorbidity and drug use in cognitively impaired elderly living in long-term care. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 9(6):347-56.
Liperoti R., Gambassi G., Lapane K.L, Chiang C., Pedone C., Mor V., Bernabei R..  2005.  Conventional and atypical antipsychotics and the risk of hospitalization for ventricular arrhythmias or cardiac arrest. Archives of Internal Medicine. 165(6):696-701.
Liperoti R., Onder G., Lapane K.L, Mor V., Friedman J.H, Bernabei R., Gambassi G..  2007.  Conventional or atypical antipsychotics and the risk of femur fracture among elderly patients: results of a case-control study. J Clin Psychiatry. 68(6):929-34.
Won A., Lapane K., Gambassi G., Bernabei R., Mor V., Lipsitz L.A.  1999.  Correlates and management of nonmalignant pain in the nursing home. SAGE Study Group. Systematic Assessment of Geriatric drug use via Epidemiology. J Am Geriatr Soc. 47(8):936-42.
Gambassi G., Forman D.E, Lapane K.L, Mor V., Sgadari A., Lipsitz L.A, Bernabei R..  2000.  Management of heart failure among very old persons living in long-term care: has the voice of trials spread? The SAGE Study Group Am Heart J. 139(1 Pt 1):85-93.
Bernabei R., Gambassi G., Lapane K., Landi F., Gatsonis C., Dunlop R., Lipsitz L., Steel K., Mor V..  1998.  Management of pain in elderly patients with cancer. SAGE Study Group. Systematic Assessment of Geriatric Drug Use via Epidemiology. Jama. 279(23):1877-82.
Gambassi G., Lapane K.L, Sgadari A., Landi F., Mor V., Bernabei R..  2000.  Measuring health outcomes for older people using the sage database. Canadian Journal on Aging. 19(SUPPL. 2):67-86.
Landi F., Tua E., Onder G., Carrara B., Sgadari A., Rinaldi C., Gambassi G., Lattanzio F., Bernabei R..  2000.  Minimum data set for home care: a valid instrument to assess frail older people living in the community. Medical Care. 38(12):1184-90.
Landi F., Lattanzio F., Gambassi G., Zuccala G., Sgadari A., Panfilo M., Ruffilli M.P, Bernabei R..  1999.  A model for integrated home care of frail older patients: the Silver Network project. SILVERNET-HC Study Group. Aging (Milano). 11(4):262-72.
Landi F., Lattanzio F., Gambassi G., Zuccala G., Sgadari A., Panfilo M., Ruffilli M.P, Bernabei R..  1999.  A model for integrated home care of frail older patients: The Silver Network project. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. 11(4):262-272.