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Costa AP, Poss JW, Peirce T, Hirdes JP.  2012.  Acute care inpatients with long-term delayed-discharge: evidence from a Canadian health region. BMC Health Services Research. 12:172-172.
Steindal S.A, Sorbye L.W, Bredal I.S, Lerdal A..  2012.  Agreement in documentation of symptoms, clinical signs, and treatment at the end of life: a comparison of data retrieved from nurse interviews and electronic patient records using the Resident Assessment Instrument for Palliative Care. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 21(9-10):1416-24.
Wharton T.C, Nnodim J., Hogikyan R., Mody L., James M., Montagnini M., Fries B.E.  2012.  Assessing Health Status Differences between Veterans Affairs Home-Based Primary Care and State Medicaid Waiver Program Clients. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.
Onder G., Carpenter I., Finne-Soveri H., Gindin J., Frijters D., Henrard J.C, Nikolaus T., Topinkova E., Tosato M., Liperoti R. et al..  2012.  Assessment of nursing home residents in Europe: the Services and Health for Elderly in Long TERm care (SHELTER) study. BMC Health Serv Res. 12:5.
Tosato M., Lukas A., van der Roest H.G, Danese P., Antocicco M., Finne-Soveri H., Nikolaus T., Landi F., Bernabei R., Onder G..  2012.  Association of pain with behavioral and psychiatric symptoms among nursing home residents with cognitive impairment: Results from the SHELTER study. Pain. 153(2):305-310.
Burfield A.H, Wan T.TH, Sole M.L, Cooper J.W.  2012.  Behavioral cues to expand a pain model of the cognitively impaired elderly in long-term care. Clinical Interventions in Aging. 7(pp 207-223)
Foebel A.D, Hirdes J.P, Heckman G.A.  2012.  Caregiver status affects medication adherence among older home care clients with heart failure. Aging Clin Exp Res. 24(6):718-21.
Fraser K.D, Sales A.E, O'Rourke H.M, Schalm C..  2012.  Data for improvement and clinical excellence: protocol for an audit with feedback intervention in home care and supportive living. Implementation science : IS. 7(pp 4)
Lakhan P., Jones M., Wilson A., Gray L.C.  2012.  The decline in Activities of Daily Living at Discharge (DADLD) index: stratifying patients at lower and higher risk. J Nutr Health Aging. 16(10):919-24.
Landi F., Liperoti R., Lattanzio F., Russo A., Tosato M., Barillaro C., Bernabei R., Onder G..  2012.  Effects of anorexia on mortality among older adults receiving home care: An observational study. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging. 16(1):79-83.
Stolle C., Wolter A., Roth G., Rothgang H..  2012.  Effects of the resident assessment instrument in home care settings. results of a cluster randomized controlled trial. Zeitschrift fur Gerontologie und Geriatrie. 45(4):315-322.
Mamhidir A.G, Wimo A., Kihlgren A..  2012.  Fewer referrals to Swedish emergency departments among nursing home patients with dementia, comprehensive cognitive decline and multicomorbidity. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging. 16(10):891-897.
Szczerbinska K., Hirdes J.P, Zyczkowska J..  2012.  Good news and bad news: depressive symptoms decline and undertreatment increases with age in home care and institutional settings. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 20(12):1045-56.
Hirdes JP, Curtin-Telegdi N, Mathias K, Perlman CM, Saarela T, Kolbeinsson H, Valdimarsdóttir R, Morris JN, Fries BE, Rabinowitz T et al..  2012.  Guides d’analyse par domaine d’intervention (GAD) en santé mentale interRAI : Complément aux instruments d’évaluation de la santé mentale en milieux communautaires et hospitaliers, MH CAPs Canadian French Edition. :224.
Flick U, Garms-Homolova V, Herrmann WJ, Kuck J, Röhnsch G.  2012.  “I Can’t Prescribe Something Just Because Someone Asks for It...” Using Mixed Methods in the Framework of Triangulation. Journal of Mixed Methods Research. 6(2):97-110.
Boorsma M., Joling K., Dussel M., Ribbe M., Frijters D., van Marwijk H.W, Nijpels G., van Hout H..  2012.  The incidence of depression and its risk factors in Dutch nursing homes and residential care homes. Am J Geriatr Psychiatry. 20(11):932-42.
van Almenkerk S., Depla M.FIA, Smalbrugge M., Eefsting J.A, Hertogh C.MPM.  2012.  Institutionalized Stroke Patients: Status of Functioning of an Under Researched Population. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 13(7):634-639.
Morris JN, Fries BE, Bernabei R, Steel K, Ikegami N, Carpenter I, Gilgen R, DuPasquier J-N, Frijters D, Henrard J-C et al..  2012.  interRAI Assistenza Domiciliare (ADI): strumento di valutazione e manuale d’utilizzo, HC Italian Edition. :126.
Morris JN, Belleville-Taylor P, Fries BE, Hawes C, Murphy K, Mor V, Nonemaker S, Phillips CD, Berg K, Björkgren M et al..  2012.  interRAI asutushoolduse (HO) Hindamisvorm ja käsiraamat, LTCF Estonian Edition. :138.
Morris JN, Belleville-Taylor P, Berg K, Bernabei R, Björkgren M, Carpenter I, DuPasquier J-N, Finne-Soveri H, Fries BE, Frijters D et al..  2012.  interRAI HC, LTCF, AL, and CAPs, Japanese Edition. :368.
Morris JN, Fries BE, Bernabei R, Steel K, Ikegami N, Carpenter I, Gilgen R, DuPasquier J-N, Frijters D, Henrard J-C et al..  2012.  interRAI Home Care (HC) Assessment Form and User’s Manual, Canadian Edition. :136.
Morris JN, Belleville-Taylor P, Fries BE, Hawes C, Murphy K, Mor V, Nonemaker S, Phillips CD, Berg K, Björkgren M et al..  2012.  interRAI Residenza Sanitaria Assistenziale (RSA) Strumento di valutazione e manuale d’utilizzo, LTCF Italian Edition. :130.