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Kurdyak P., Vigod S.N, Newman A., Giannakeas V., Mulsant B.H, Stukel T..  2018.  Impact of Physician Follow-Up Care on Psychiatric Readmission Rates in a Population-Based Sample of Patients With Schizophrenia. Psychiatric Services. 69(1):61-68.
Newland P.K, Wipke-Tevis D.D, Williams D.A, Rantz M.J, Petroski G.F.  2005.  Impact of pain on outcomes in long-term care residents with and without multiple sclerosis. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 53(9):1490-1496.
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Hughes C.M, Lapane K.L, Mor V., Ikegami N., Jonsson P.V, Ljunggren G., Sgadari A..  2000.  The impact of legislation on psychotropic drug use in nursing homes: a cross-national perspective. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 48(8):931-7.
Hughes C.M, Lapane K.L, Mor V..  1999.  Impact of legislation on nursing home care in the United States: lessons for the United Kingdom. BMJ. 319(7216):1060-2.
Landi F., Gambassi G., Pola R., Tabaccanti S., Cavinato T., Carbonin P.U, Bernabei R..  1999.  Impact of integrated home care services on hospital use. J Am Geriatr Soc. 47(12):1430-4.
Yamada Y, Denkinger MD, Onder G, Finne-Soveri H, van der Roest H, Vlachova M, Richter T, Gindin J, Bernabei R, Topinkova E.  2015.  Impact of Dual Sensory Impairment on Onset of Behavioral Symptoms in European Nursing Homes: Results From the Services and Health for Elderly in Long-Term Care Study. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 16(4):329-333.
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Stewart SL, Vasudeva AS, Mistry D, Poss JW.  2023.  The impact of child maltreatment on mental health outcome improvements among children and youth accessing community mental health care. Child Abuse & Neglect. 139:106066.
Chan C.Y, Chau P.YK, Yeoh E.K, Wong E.LY.  2022.  Impact of additional community services provision on dementia caregiver burden: an interrupted time-series analysis of 12-year interRAI assessments in Hong Kong. BMJ Open. 12(11):e057221.
Remsburg RE, Armacost KA, Radu C, Bennett R.  2001.  Impact of a restorative care program in the nursing home.. Educational Gerontology. 27(3/4):261-280.
Landi F, Onder G, Tua E, Carrara B, Zuccalá G, Gambassi G, Carbonin PU, Bernabei R, Bergamo onbehalf of.  2001.  Impact of a New Assessment System, the MDS-HC, on Function and Hospitalization of Homebound Older People: A Controlled Clinical Trial. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 49(10):1288-1293.
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Hoben M, Yoon MN, Lu L, Estabrooks CA.  Submitted.  If we cannot measure it, we cannot improve it: Understanding measurement problems in routine oral/dental assessments in Canadian nursing homes—Part I. Gerodontology. n/a(n/a)
Rangrej J., Kaufman S., Wang S., Kerem A., Hirdes J., Hillmer M.P, Malikov K..  2022.  Identifying Unexpected Deaths in Long-Term Care Homes. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 23(8):1431.e21-1431.e28.
Mills W.L, Ying J., Kunik M.E.  2019.  Identifying potential long-stay residents in veterans health administration nursing homes. Geriatr Nurs. 40(1):51-55.
Shugarman L.R, Fries B.E, Wolf R.S, Morris J.N.  2003.  Identifying older people at risk of abuse during routine screening practices. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 51(1):24-31.
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Stewart S.L, Hirdes J.P.  2015.  Identifying mental health symptoms in children and youth in residential and in-patient care settings. Healthc Manage Forum. 28(4):150-6.
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Fries B.E, James M..  2003.  Identifying "appropriate" applicants for home and community based services: the MI Choice screening system. Center for Home Care Policy & Research Policy Briefs [Electronic Resource]. (13):1-6.