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Vu M., Hogan D.B, Patten S.B, Jette N., Bronskill S.E, Heckman G., Kergoat M.J, Hirdes J.P, Chen X., Zehr M.M et al..  2014.  A comprehensive profile of the sociodemographic, psychosocial and health characteristics of Ontario home care clients with dementia. Chronic Dis Inj Can. 34(2-3):132-44.
Fries B.E, Durance P.W, Nerenz D.R, Ashcraft M.L.  1993.  A comprehensive payment model for short- and long-stay psychiatric patients. Health Care Financing Review. 15(2):31-50.
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Schluter PJ, Ahuriri-Driscoll A, Anderson TJ, Beere P, Brown J, Dalrymple-Alford J, David T, Davidson A, Gillon DA, Hirdes J et al..  2016.  Comprehensive clinical assessment of home-based older persons within New Zealand: an epidemiological profile of a national cross-section. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health. 40(4):349-355.
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Dellefield MEllen, Corazzini K.  2015.  Comprehensive Care Plan Development Using Resident Assessment Instrument Framework: Past, Present, and Future Practices. Healthcare. 3(4):1031-53.
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Glenny C., Stolee P..  2009.  Comparing the functional independence measure and the interRAI/MDS for use in the functional assessment of older adults: a review of the literature. BMC Geriatr. 9:52.
Foebel A.D, Hirdes J.P, Lemick R., Tai J.WY.  2015.  Comparing the characteristics of people living with and without HIV in long-term care and home care in Ontario, Canada. AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV. 27(20):1343-1353.
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