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Liperoti R., Gambassi G., Lapane K.L, Chiang C., Pedone C., Mor V., Bernabei R..  2005.  Conventional and atypical antipsychotics and the risk of hospitalization for ventricular arrhythmias or cardiac arrest. Archives of Internal Medicine. 165(6):696-701.
Laine J., Linna M., Noro A., Hakkinen U..  2005.  The cost efficiency and clinical quality of institutional long-term care for the elderly. Health Care Management Science. 8(2):149-156.
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Li LW, Fries BE.  2005.  Elder Disability as an Explanation for Racial Differences in Informal Home Care. The Gerontologist. 45(2):206-215.
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Brennan P.L, Greenbaum M.A.  2005.  Functioning, problem behavior and health services use among nursing home residents with alcohol-use disorders: Nationwide data from the VA minimum data set. Journal of Studies on Alcohol. 66(3):395-400.
Okochi J., Utsunomiya S., Takahashi T..  2005.  Health measurement using the ICF: test-retest reliability study of ICF codes and qualifiers in geriatric care. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 3:46.
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Wu N., Miller S.C, Lapane K., Roy J., Mor V..  2005.  Impact of cognitive function on assessments of nursing home residents' pain. Medical Care. 43(9):934-939.
Newland P.K, Wipke-Tevis D.D, Williams D.A, Rantz M.J, Petroski G.F.  2005.  Impact of pain on outcomes in long-term care residents with and without multiple sclerosis. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 53(9):1490-1496.
Miller J., Birnie S., Douglas C., Dutton K., Elliott P..  2005.  Implementing the single assessment process using the Minimum Data Set-Home Care (MDS-HC): an observational study. Nursing older people. 17(6):18-22.
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Sorbye L.W, Finne-Soveri H., Ljunggren G., Topinkova E., Bernabei R..  2005.  Indwelling catheter use in home care: elderly, aged 65+, in 11 different countries in Europe. Age & Ageing. 34(4):377-81.
Avidan AY, Fries BE, James ML, Szafara KL, Wright GT, Chervin RD.  2005.  Insomnia and hypnotic use, recorded in the minimum data set, as predictors of falls and hip fractures in Michigan nursing homes. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 53(6):955-62.
Phillips CD, Preece C, Hawes C.  2005.  Investigating Case-Mix Classification for Elderly Residents in Assisted Living. Seniors Housing & Care Journal. 13(1):21-34.
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Koehler M., Rabinowitz T., Hirdes J., Stones M., Carpenter G.I, Fries B.E, Morris J.N, Jones R.N.  2005.  Measuring depression in nursing home residents with the MDS and GDS: an observational psychometric study. BMC Geriatr. 5:1.
Laine J., Linna M., Hakkinen U., Noro A..  2005.  Measuring the productive efficiency and clinical quality of institutional long-term care for the elderly. Health Economics. 14(3):245-256.
Phillips C, Dyer J, Hawes C, Janousek V, Voloudakis M, Halperin L.  2005.  Modeling the provision of hours of personal care in home care services. GERONTOLOGIST. 45:590-590.
Fries BE, Wodchis WP, Blaum C, Buttar A, Drabek J, Morris JN.  2005.  A national study showed that diagnoses varied by age group in nursing home residents under age 65. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 58(2):198-205.