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Hawes C, Morris JN, Phillips CD, Mor V, Fries BE, Nonemaker S.  1995.  Reliability estimates for the Minimum Data Set for nursing home resident assessment and care screening (MDS). Gerontologist. 35(2):172-8.
Murphy KM, Morris JN, Fries BE, Zimmerman DR.  1995.  The Resident Assessment Instrument: Implications for Quality, Reimbursement, and Research. Generations: Journal of the American Society on Aging. 19(4):43-46.
Mehr D.R, Fries B.E.  1995.  Resource use on Alzheimer's special care units.. Gerontologist. 35(2):179-84.
Mehr D.R, Fries B.E..  1995.  Response to impact of dementia special care units: resource use and outcomes.. The Gerontologist. 35(5):581-582.
Sturdy D, Carpenter I.  1995.  Right plan for elderly care? Nurs Manag (Harrow). 2(7):16-8.
Bjorkgren M.A, Finne-Soveri U.H, Sairaala K.  1995.  RUG: A classification system for institutional long-term care.. Stakes. 4:39-42.
Mor V., Branco K., Fleishman J., Hawes C., Phillips C., Morris J., Fries B..  1995.  The structure of social engagement among nursing home residents. Journals of Gerontology Series B-Psychological Sciences & Social Sciences. 50(1):P1-P8.
Mor V., Banaszak-Holl J., Zinn J.S.  1995.  The trend toward specialization in nursing care facilities.. Generations. (Winter):24-29.
Crooks VC, Schnelle JF, Ouslander JP, McNees MP.  1995.  Use of the Minimum Data Set to rate incontinence severity.. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 43(12):1363-1369.
Hartmaier S.L, Sloane P.D, Guess H.A, Koch G.G, Mitchell C.M, Phillips C.D.  1995.  Validation of the Minimum Data Set Cognitive Performance Scale: agreement with the Mini-Mental State Examination. Journals of Gerontology Series A-Biological Sciences & Medical Sciences. 50(2):M128-33.
Rantz M.J, Mehr D.R, Conn V.S, Hicks L.L, Porter R., Madsen R.W, Petrowski G.F, Maas M..  1996.  Assessing quality of nursing home care: the foundation for improving resident outcomes. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 10(4):1-9.
Morris S.A, Sherwood S., Morris J.N.  1996.  A dynamic model for explaining changes in use of IADL/ADL care in the community. Journal of Health & Social Behavior. 37(1):91-103.
Resnick N.M, Brandeis G.H, Baumann M.M, Morris J.N.  1996.  Evaluating a national assessment strategy for urinary incontinence in nursing home residents: reliability of the minimum data set and validity of the resident assessment protocol. Neurourology & Urodynamics. 15(6):583-98.
Phillips C.D, Hawes C., Mor V., Fries B.E, Morris J.N, Nennstiel M.E.  1996.  Facility and area variation affecting the use of physical restraints in nursing homes. Medical Care. 34(11):1149-62.
Banaszak-Holl J., Hines M.A.  1996.  Factors associated with nursing home staff turnover. Gerontologist. 36(4):512-7.
Steel K.  1996.  Geriatric medicine at the millennium. Aging (Milano). 8(5):295-6.
Castle N.G, Mor V..  1996.  Hospitalization of nursing home residents: a review of the literature, 1980-1995. Medical Care Research & Review. 53(2):123-48.
Hirdes J.P, Botz C.A, Kozak J., Lepp V..  1996.  Identifying an appropriate case mix measure for chronic care: evidence from an Ontario pilot study. Healthcare Management Forum. 9(1):40-6.
Banaszak-Holl J., Zinn J.S, Mor V..  1996.  The impact of market and organizational characteristics on nursing care facility service innovation: a resource dependency perspective. Health Serv Res. 31(1):97-117.
Thapa PB, Brockman KG, Gideon P, Fought RL, Ray WA.  1996.  Injurious falls in non-ambulatory nursing home residents: a comparative study of circumstance, incidence, and risk factors.. J Am Geriatr Soc. 44(3):273-278.
Frederiksen K., Tariot P., De Jonghe E..  1996.  Minimum Data Set Plus (MDS+) scores compared with scores from five rating scales. J Am Geriatr Soc. 44(3):305-9.
Neutel C.I, Hirdes J.P, Maxwell C.J, Patten S.B.  1996.  New evidence on benzodiazepine use and falls: the time factor. Age & Ageing. 25(4):273-8.
Voelkl J.E, Galecki A.T., Fries B.E..  1996.  Nursing home residents with severe cognitive impairments: predictors of participation in activity groups.. Therapeutic Recreation Journal. (First Quarter):27-40.
Wagner E.H, Austin B.T, Von Korff M..  1996.  Organizing care for patients with chronic illness. Milbank Q. 74(4):511-544.
Williams B.C, Fries B.E, Mehr D.R.  1996.  Patterns and determinants of health services use and mortality after VA nursing home care. Journal of Aging & Health. 8(2):280-301.