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Lambert S, Cheung W-Y, Davies S, Gardner L, Thomas V.  2009.  Comparison of two tools developed to assess the needs of older people with complex care needs. Journal of Research in Nursing. 14(5):421-436.
Landi F., Russo A., Barillaro C., Cesari M., Pahor M., Danese P., Bernabei R., Onder G..  2007.  Physical activity and risk of cognitive impairment among older persons living in the community. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. 19(5):410-6.
Landi F., Lattanzio F., Dell'Aquila G., Eusebi P., Gasperini B., Liperoti R., Belluigi A., Bernabei R., Cherubini A..  2013.  Prevalence and potentially reversible factors associated with anorexia among older nursing home residents: Results from the ulisse project. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 14(2):119-124.
Landi F., Onder G., Cesari M., Gravina E.M., Lattanzio F., Russo A., Bernabei R., .  2003.  Effects of influenza vaccination on mortality amongfrail, community-living elderly patients: An observational study. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. 15(3):254-258.
Landi F., Sgadari A., Zuccala G., Pahor M., Carbonin P., Bernabei R..  1999.  A brief training program on resident assessment instrument improves motivation of nursing home staff. The journal of nutrition, health & aging. 3(1):24-28.
Landi F, Bernabei R, Russo A, Zuccalá G, Onder G, Carosella L, Cesari M, Cocchi A.  2002.  Predictors of rehabilitation outcomes in frail patients treated in a geriatric hospital. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 50(4):679-84.
Landi F., Onder G., Carpenter I., Cesari M., Soldato M., Bernabei R..  2007.  Physical activity prevented functional decline among frail community-living elderly subjects in an international observational study. J Clin Epidemiol. 60(5):518-24.
Landi F, Onder G, Tua E, Carrara B, Zuccalá G, Gambassi G, Carbonin PU, Bernabei R, Bergamo onbehalf of.  2001.  Impact of a New Assessment System, the MDS-HC, on Function and Hospitalization of Homebound Older People: A Controlled Clinical Trial. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 49(10):1288-1293.
Landi F., Gambassi G., Pola R., Tabaccanti S., Cavinato T., Carbonin P.U, Bernabei R..  1999.  Impact of integrated home care services on hospital use. J Am Geriatr Soc. 47(12):1430-4.
Landi F, Onder G, Cesari M, Gambassi G, Steel K, Russo A, Lattanzio F, Bernabei R, Group forthe SILVER.  2001.  Pain Management in Frail, Community-Living Elderly Patients. Archives of Internal Medicine. 161(22):2721-2724.
Landi F., Sgadari A., Cipriani L., Castellani M., Pahor M., Carbonin P.U, Bernabei R..  1996.  A simple program to train case managers in community elderly care. Aging (Milano). 8(3):211-8.
Landi F., Liperoti R., Lattanzio F., Russo A., Tosato M., Barillaro C., Bernabei R., Onder G..  2012.  Effects of anorexia on mortality among older adults receiving home care: An observational study. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging. 16(1):79-83.
Landi F., Onder G., Russo A., Tabaccanti S., Rollo R., Federici S., Tua E., Cesari M., Bernabei R..  2001.  A new model of integrated home care for the elderly: impact on hospital use. J Clin Epidemiol. 54(9):968-70.
Landi F., Gambassi G., Lapane K.L, Sgadari A., Mor V., Bernabei R..  1999.  Impact of the type and severity of dementia on hospitalization and survival of the elderly. The SAGE Study Group. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 10(2):121-9.
Landi F, Onder G, Cesari M, Barillaro C, Russo A, Bernabei R, Group onBehalf of.  2005.  Psychotropic Medications and Risk for Falls Among Community-Dwelling Frail Older People: An Observational Study. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A. 60(5):622-626.
Landi F., Sgadari A., Bernabei R..  1998.  Urinary incontinence in nursing home residents. J Am Geriatr Soc. 46(4):536-7.
Landi F., Lattanzio F., Gambassi G., Zuccala G., Sgadari A., Panfilo M., Ruffilli M.P, Bernabei R..  1999.  A model for integrated home care of frail older patients: The Silver Network project. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. 11(4):262-272.
Landi F., Onder G., Lattanzio F., Russo A., Barillaro C., Bernabei R., Bergamo SILVERNET-HCStudy Grou.  2003.  Antithrombotic drugs in secondary stroke prevention among a community dwelling older population. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 74(8):1100-1104.
Landi F., Gambassi G., Lapane K.L, Sgadari A., Gifford D., Mor V., Bernabei R..  1998.  Comorbidity and drug use in cognitively impaired elderly living in long-term care. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 9(6):347-56.
Landi F., Onder G., Cattel C., Gambassi G., Lattanzio F., Cesari M., Russo A., Bernabei R..  2001.  Functional status and clinical correlates in cognitively impaired community-living older people. J Geriatr Psychiatry Neurol. 14(1):21-7.
Landi F., Russo A., Cesari M., Barillaro C., Onder G., Zamboni V., De Santis A., Pahor M., Ferrucci L., Bernabei R..  2005.  The ilSIRENTE study: A prospective cohort study on persons aged 80 years and older living in a mountain community of Central Italy. Aging - Clinical and Experimental Research. 17(6):486-493.
Landi F., Lattanzio F., Gambassi G., Zuccala G., Sgadari A., Panfilo M., Ruffilli M.P, Bernabei R..  1999.  A model for integrated home care of frail older patients: the Silver Network project. SILVERNET-HC Study Group. Aging (Milano). 11(4):262-72.
Landi F., Onder G., Gambassi G., Pedone C., Carbonin P., Bernabei R..  2000.  Body mass index and mortality among hospitalized patients. Arch Intern Med. 160(17):2641-4.
Landi F., Tua E., Onder G., Carrara B., Sgadari A., Rinaldi C., Gambassi G., Lattanzio F., Bernabei R..  2000.  Minimum data set for home care: a valid instrument to assess frail older people living in the community. Medical Care. 38(12):1184-90.
Landi F., Dell'Aquila G., Collamati A., Martone A.M, Zuliani G., Gasperini B., Eusebi P., Lattanzio F., Cherubini A..  2014.  Anticholinergic Drug Use and Negative Outcomes Among the Frail Elderly Population Living in a Nursing Home. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 15(11):825-829.