
Export 2197 results:
Steel K.  1991.  Homeward bound. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. 3(3):199-202.
Fries B.E, Ljunggren G., Winblad B..  1991.  International comparison of long-term care: the need for resident-level classification. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 39(1):10-6.
Williams B.C, Demitrack L.B, Fries B.E.  1992.  The accuracy of the National Death Index when personal identifiers other than Social Security number are used. American Journal of Public Health. 82(8):1145-7.
Sorbye L.W.  1992.  [Has the care of dying patients in hospitals changed? A study of terminal care at the Diaconal hospital in 1977 and 1987] Tidsskrift for Den Norske Laegeforening. 112(10):1264-7.
Hirdes J.P, Forbes W.F.  1992.  The importance of social relationships, socioeconomic status and health practices with respect to mortality among healthy Ontario males. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 45(2):175-82.
Ljunggren G., Fries B.E., Winblad B..  1992.  International validation and reliability testing of a patient classification system for long-term care.. European Journal of Gerontology. 1(6):372-383.
Hawes C., Phillips C.D, Mor V., Fries B.E, Morris J.N.  1992.  MDS data should be used for research.[comment]. Gerontologist. 32(4):563-4.
Phillips C.D, Hawes C..  1992.  Nursing home case-mix classification and residents suffering from cognitive impairment: RUG-II and cognition in the Texas case-mix data base. Medical Care. 30(2):105-16.
Clauser S.B, Fries B.E.  1992.  Nursing home resident assessment and case-mix classification: cross-national perspectives. Health Care Financing Review. 13(4):135-55.
Riter R.N, Fries B.E.  1992.  Predictors of the placement of cognitively impaired residents on special care units.. Gerontologist. 32(2):184-90.
Teresi J.A., Holmes D..  1992.  Should MDS data be used for research? The Gerontologist. 32(2):148-149.