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Phillips C.D., Spry K..  2000.  Nursing home case-mix classification and residents suffering from cognitive impairment.. Medical Care. 30(2):105-116.
Morris JN, Carpenter I, Berg K, Jones RN.  2000.  Outcome measures for use with home care clients. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement. 19(S2):87-105.
Sgadari A, Lapane KL, Mor V, Landi F, Bernabei R, Gambassi G.  2000.  Oxidative and nonoxidative benzodiazepines and the risk of femur fracture. The Systematic Assessment of Geriatric Drug Use Via Epidemiology Study Group. J Clin Psychopharmacol. 20(2):234-9.
Finne-Soveri U.H, Ljunggren G., Schroll M., Jonsson P.V, Hjaltadottir I., K. Kholy E, Tilvis R.S.  2000.  Pain and its association with disability in institutional long-term care in four Nordic countries. Canadian Journal on Aging. 19(SUPPL. 2):38-49.
Hansebo G., Kihlgren M..  2000.  Patient life stories and current situation as told by carers in nursing home wards. Clinical Nursing Research. 9(3):260-79.
Vap PW, Dunaye T.  2000.  Pressure ulcer risk assessment in long-term care nursing. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 26(6):37-45.
Maxwell CJ, Hogan DB, Hirdes JP.  2000.  The prevalence and treatment of hypertension in long-term care settings: Implications for quality of care of the frail elderly. Annals of Long Term Care. 8(11):31-36.
Wipke-Tevis D.D, Rantz M.J, Mehr D.R, Popejoy L., Petroski G., Madsen R., Conn V.S, Grando V.T, Porter R., Maas M..  2000.  Prevalence, incidence, management, and predictors of venous ulcers in the long-term-care population using the MDS. Advances in Skin & Wound Care. 13(5):218-24.
Kiely D.K, Simon S.E, Jones R.N, Morris J.N.  2000.  The protective effect of social engagement on mortality in long-term care. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 48(11):1367-72.
Teare G., Hirdes J.P., Ziraldo M, Proctor W.R, Nenadovic M.  2000.  The quality of caring: chronic care in Ontario.. Toronto: Canadian Institute for Health Information.
Finne-Soveri H., Noro A.  2000.  RAI: A new tool for planning of the elderly care.. Sairaala. 4(62):12-14.
Hakkinen U., Noro A, Finne-Soveri H., Kaupunki A, Bjorkgren M.A, Instituut C.  2000.  RAI system in the economical evaluation of the elderly care.. 45:37-39.
Broderick EC, Lapane K., Gambassi G., Mor V..  2000.  Rate of cognitive decline after onset of severe physical dependency in nursing home residents.. Canadian Journal on Aging.
Yamada Y.  2000.  Reasons why MDS has interdisciplinary attention.. Ns Magazine. 2(4):52-55.
Holtkamp C, Kerkstra A, Ribbe M, van Campen C, Ooms ME.  2000.  The relation between quality of coordination of nursing care and quality of life in Dutch nursing homes.. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 32(6):1364-1373.
Kiely D.K, Morris J.N, Algase D.L.  2000.  Resident characteristics associated with wandering in nursing homes. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 15(11):1013-20.
Teare G..  2000.  RUG-III case-mix classification and funding in long term care: the Resource Utilization Groups.. Stride. (October):8-17.
Björkgren MA, Fries BE, Shugarman LR.  2000.  A RUG-III Case-Mix System for Home Care. Canadian Journal on Aging/Revue canadienne du vieillissement. 19(SupplementS2):106-125.
Harris CJ.  2000.  Self audits ensure MDS accuracy.. Provider. (October):28-33.
Rantz M.J, Petroski G.F, Madsen R.W, Mehr D.R, Popejoy L., Hicks L.L, Porter R., Zwygart-Stauffacher M., Grando V..  2000.  Setting thresholds for quality indicators derived from MDS data for nursing home quality improvement reports: an update. Joint Commission Journal on Quality Improvement. 26(2):101-10.
Smith T..  2000.  Social support needs among the institutionalized elderly.. Stride. (June/September):12-14.
Steel K., Whang P..  2000.  Standardized comprehensive assessment for end-of-life and palliative care. J Pain Symptom Manage. 19(5):324-5.
Gilbart E.E, Hirdes J.P.  2000.  Stress, social engagement and psychological well-being in institutional settings: Evidence based on the minimum data set 2.0. Canadian Journal on Aging. 19(SUPPL. 2):50-66.
Rook M..  2000.  Taking the mystery out of the Minimum Data Set.. Management. (February/March):12-13.
Gessert C.E, Mosier M.C, Brown E.F, Frey B..  2000.  Tube feeding in nursing home residents with severe and irreversible cognitive impairment. J Am Geriatr Soc. 48(12):1593-600.