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Landi F, Onder G, Cesari M, Barillaro C, Russo A, Bernabei R, Group onBehalf of.  2005.  Psychotropic Medications and Risk for Falls Among Community-Dwelling Frail Older People: An Observational Study. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A. 60(5):622-626.
Cesari M, Landi F, Torre S, Onder G, Lattanzio F, Bernabei R.  2002.  Prevalence and Risk Factors for Falls in an Older Community-Dwelling Population. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A. 57(11):M722-M726.
Landi F, Bernabei R, Russo A, Zuccalá G, Onder G, Carosella L, Cesari M, Cocchi A.  2002.  Predictors of rehabilitation outcomes in frail patients treated in a geriatric hospital. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 50(4):679-84.
Onder G, Liperoti R, Fialova D, Topinkova E, Tosato M, Danese P, Gallo PFolino, Carpenter I, Finne-Soveri H, Gindin J et al..  2012.  Polypharmacy in Nursing Home in Europe: Results From the SHELTER Study. The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences.
Soldato M, Liperoti R, Landi F, Carpenter IG, Bernabei R, Onder G.  2008.  Patient depression and caregiver attitudes: Results from The AgeD in HOme Care study. J Affect Disord. 106(1-2):107-15.
Landi F, Onder G, Cesari M, Gambassi G, Steel K, Russo A, Lattanzio F, Bernabei R, Group forthe SILVER.  2001.  Pain Management in Frail, Community-Living Elderly Patients. Archives of Internal Medicine. 161(22):2721-2724.