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Abey-Nesbit R, Schluter PJ, Wilkinson T, Thwaites JHugh, Berry SD, Jamieson HA.  2019.  Risk factors for hip fracture in New Zealand older adults seeking home care services: a national population cross-sectional study. BMC Geriatrics. 19(1):93.
Kadu M, Heckman GA, Stolee P, Perlman C.  2019.  Risk of Hospitalization in Long-Term Care Residents Living with Heart Failure: a Retrospective Cohort Study. Canadian geriatrics journal : CGJ. 22(4):171-181.
Lau C, Stewart SL, Saklofske DH, Hirdes J.  2019.  Scale development and psychometric properties of internalizing symptoms: The interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health internalizing subscale. Psychiatry Research. 278:235-241.
Stall NM, Fischer HD, Fung K, Giannakeas V, Bronskill SE, Austin PC, Matlow JN, Quinn KL, Mitchell SL, Bell CM et al..  2019.  Sex-Specific Differences in End-of-Life Burdensome Interventions and Antibiotic Therapy in Nursing Home Residents With Advanced Dementia. JAMA network open. 2(8):e199557-e199557.
van Hout HPJ, van Lier L, Draisma S, Smit J, Finne-Soveri H, Garms-Homolova V, Bosmans JE, Declercq A, Jonsson P, Onder G et al..  2019.  Signs of Inequality? Variations in Providing Home Health Care Across Care Organizations and Across European Countries in the IBenC Study Health services insights. 12:1178632919837632-1178632919837632.
Lacey C, Manuel J, Schluter PJ, Porter RJ, Pitama S, Jamieson HA.  2019.  Sociodemographic, environmental characteristics and comorbidities of older adults with schizophrenia who access community health service support: A national cross-sectional study. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. 53(6):570-580.
Hirdes JP, Major J, Didic S, Quinn C, Sinclair C, Bucek J, Samis S, Jantzi M, Chen J, Curtin-Telegdi N et al..  2019.  Study Protocol and Baseline Comparisons for a Pan-Canadian Initiative to Reduce Inappropriate Use of Antipsychotics in Long-Term Care Homes. SAGE Open. 9(1):2158244019835942.
Salahudeen MSaji, Nishtala PS.  2019.  A Systematic Review Evaluating the Use of the interRAI Home Care Instrument in Research for Older People. Clinical Gerontologist. 42(5):463-484.
Miles A, Liang V, Sekula J, Broadmore S, Owen P, Braakhuis AJ.  2019.  Texture-modified diets in aged care facilities: Nutrition, swallow safety and mealtime experience. Australasian journal on ageing. :10.1111/ajag.12640.
Cai S, Miller SC, Wilson IB.  2019.  Trajectory of Physical Functioning Among Persons Living With HIV in Nursing Homes. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 20(4):497-502.
TIAN J, IU Y, ZHANG S, WANG W, GONGYE H, ZHANG X.  2019.  Translation and reliability and validity testing of Chinese version of InterRAI Home Care. Chinese Journal of Nursing. 54(2):199-205.
Horwath U, Szczerbinska K.  2019.  Treatment of behavioral symptoms and unsettled relationships in clinically complex residents in the long-term care facility. European Geriatric Medicine. 10(1):107-117.
Jacka B, Kemp R, Degenhardt L, Peacock A, Clare P, Bruno R, Dev A, Sotade O, Larance B.  2019.  Trends in methamphetamine and opioid use among clients of needle-syringe programs in Queensland, Australia: 2007–2015. Drug and Alcohol Review. 38(2):159-168.
Northwood M, Ploeg J, Markle-Reid M, Sherifali D.  2019.  Understanding the Complexity of Diabetes and Urinary Incontinence in Older Adults Receiving Home Care Services: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Study. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 18:1609406919852000.
Heeren P, Devriendt E, Fieuws S, Wellens NIH, Deschodt M, Flamaing J, Sabbe M, Milisen K.  2019.  Unplanned readmission prevention by a geriatric emergency network for transitional care (URGENT): a prospective before-after study. BMC Geriatrics. 19(1):215.
Hanjani L.S, Peel N.M, Freeman C.R, Gray L.C.  2019.  Using telehealth to enable collaboration of pharmacists and geriatricians in residential medication management reviews. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 41(5):1256-1261.
Berry SD, Zullo AR, Zhang T, Lee Y, McConeghy KW, Kiel DP.  2019.  Validation of the FRAiL model to predict non-vertebral and hip fractures in nursing home residents. Bone. 128:115050.
Stochitoiu IA, Vadeboncoeur C.  2020.  Adaptation and Feasibility of the interRAI Family Carer Needs Assessment in a Pediatric Setting. Health Services Insights. 13:1178632920972655.
Michalski-Monnerat C, Carron P-N, Nguyen S, Bula C, Mabire C.  2020.  Assessing Older Patients' Vulnerability in the Emergency Department: A Study of InterRAI ED Screener Accuracy. J Am Geriatr Soc. 68(12):2914-2920.
Redquest BK, Stewart SL, Bryden PJ, Fletcher PC.  2020.  Assessing the Wellbeing of Individuals with Autism Using the interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health (ChYMH) and the interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health--Developmental Disabilities (ChYMH-DD) Tools. Pediatric Nursing. 46(2)
Kwan R.YC, Kwan C.W, Bai X., Chi I.  2020.  Cachexia and Cognitive Function in the Community-Dwelling Older Adults: Mediation Effects of Oral Health. The journal of nutrition, health & aging. 24(2):230-236.
Obayashi K, Kodate N, Masuyama S.  2020.  Can connected technologies improve sleep quality and safety of older adults and care-givers? An evaluation study of sleep monitors and communicative robots at a residential care home in Japan Technology in Society. 62:101318.
de Almeida MJ, Favaro-Moreira NC, Krausch-Hofmann S, Vanneste D, Matthys C, Declercq A, Duyck J.  2020.  Can the interRAI home care instrument be applied to the definition criteria of the Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition (GLIM). A longitudinal study Clin Nutr. 39(11):3477-3482.
Mello Jde Almeida, Favaro-Moreira NCristina, Krausch-Hofmann S, Vanneste D, Matthys C, Declercq A, Duyck J.  2020.  Can the interRAI home care instrument be applied to the definition criteria of the Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition (GLIM)? A longitudinal study Clinical Nutrition. 39(11):3477-3482.
Hirdes JP, Major J, Didic S, Quinn C, Mitchell L, Chen J, Jantzi M, Phillips K.  2020.  A Canadian cohort study to evaluate the outcomes associated with a multicenter initiative to reduce antipsychotic use in long-term care homes. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 21(6):817-822.