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Kijowska V., Barańska I., Stodolska A., Szczerbinska K..  2020.  Use of non-pharmacological interventions in patients with cognitive impairment: a comparison of residential and nursing homes in Poland. Pol Arch Intern Med.
Kijowska V, Barańska I, Szczerbinska K.  2020.  Factors associated with drug prescribing practices in long-term care patients with cognitive impairment. European Geriatric Medicine. 11(5):761-775.
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Kijowska V, Barańska I, Szczerbinska K.  2020.  Health, functional, psychological and nutritional status of cognitively impaired long-term care residents in Poland. European Geriatric Medicine. 11(2):255-267.
Kim H., Jung Y.I, Kim G.S, Choi H., Park Y.H.  2021.  Effectiveness of a Technology-Enhanced Integrated Care Model for Frail Older People: A Stepped-Wedge Cluster Randomized Trial in Nursing Homes. The Gerontologist. 61(3):460-469.
Kim Y, Park JI, Kang W, Hong JP.  2000.  Factors Affecting Supply of Mental Health Care Services in Korea.. Journal of the Korean Neuropsychiatric Association. 39(5):860-869.
Kim H, Jung Y-il, Sung M, Lee J-Y, Yoon J-Y, Yoon J-L.  2015.  Reliability of the interRAI Long Term Care Facilities (LTCF) and interRAI Home Care (HC). Geriatrics and Gerontology International. 15(2):220-8.
Kim M.H, Xiang X..  2021.  Hospitalization Trajectories in Home- and Community-Based Services Recipients: The Influence of Physician and Social Care Density. The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences. 76(8):1679-1690.
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Kim J, Kim H.  2016.  Effects of Home Care Services Use by Older Adults on Family Caregiver Distress. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing. 46(6):836-847.
Kim H, Park Y-H, Jung Y-il, Choi H, Lee S, Kim G-S, Yang D-W, Paik MCho, Lee T-J.  2017.  Evaluation of a technology-enhanced integrated care model for frail older persons: protocol of the SPEC study, a stepped-wedge cluster randomized trial in nursing homes. BMC Geriatr. 17(88):nopagination.
King GKC.  2023.  Interpersonal Victimization and Polyvictimization: An Examination of Mental Health Service Complexity.
King G.KC, Van Dyke J.N, Poss J.W, Stewart S.L.  2022.  3.30 Predicting Service Urgency in Children and Youth with ASD: The Development of an Algorithm. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 61(10 Supplement):S237.
King GKC, Van Dyke JN, Poss JW, Stewart SL.  2022.  Predicting Service Urgency in Children and Youth with ASD: The Development of an Algorithm. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 61(10, Supplement):S237.
Kinosian B, Wieland D, Gu X, Stallard E, Phibbs CS, Intrator O.  2018.  Validation of the JEN frailty index in the National Long-Term Care Survey community population: identifying functionally impaired older adults from claims data. BMC Health Services Research. 18(1):908.
Kisely S., Adair C.E, Lin E., Marriott B..  2015.  Routine outcome measures in Canada. International Review of Psychiatry. 27(4):286-295.
Kitamura S, Igarashi A, Inagaki A, Takaoka M, Noguchi-Watanabe M, Sakka M, Naruse T, Yamamoto-Mitani N.  2019.  Health promotion a new approach to develop gerontological nursing care quality indicators. Innovation in Aging. 3(Supplement_1):S145-S145.
Klassen JA, Stewart SL, Lapshina N.  2021.  School Disengagement and Mental Health Service Intensity Need Among Clinically Referred Students Utilizing the interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health Assessment Instrument. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 12
Klassen JA, Stewart SL.  2022.  Investigating health adversity and school engagement among clinically referred children and youth using the interRAI Child and Youth Mental Health Assessment. Children and Youth Services Review. 136:106419.
Klassen JA, Hamza CA, Stewart SL.  2018.  An examination of correlates for adolescent engagement in nonsuicidal self‐injury, suicidal self‐injury, and substance use. Journal of research on adolescence. 28(2):342-353.
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Kleijer B.C, van Marum R.J, Frijters D.HM, Jansen P.AF, Ribbe M.W, Egberts A.CG, Heerdink E.R.  2014.  Variability between nursing homes in prevalence of antipsychotic use in patients with dementia. International Psychogeriatrics. 26(3):363-371.
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Knight J., Jantzi M., Hirdes J., Rabinowitz T..  2018.  Predictors of Electroconvulsive Therapy Use in a Large Inpatient Psychiatry Population. The Journal of ECT. 34(1):35-39.
Koehler M., Rabinowitz T., Hirdes J., Stones M., Carpenter G.I, Fries B.E, Morris J.N, Jones R.N.  2005.  Measuring depression in nursing home residents with the MDS and GDS: an observational psychometric study. BMC Geriatr. 5:1.