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Hirdes JP, Riddell M, Curtin-Telegdi N.  2001.  Exchanging MDS Data Across Sectors of the Health Care System: Clinical Considerations. Senior Care Canada. (May/June):10-14.
Hirdes JP, Curtin-Telegdi N, Mathias K, Perlman CM, Saarela T, Kolbeinsson H, Valdimarsdóttir R, Morris JN, Fries BE, Rabinowitz T et al..  2019.  interRAI protocolli per la valutazione clinica della salute mentale (CAP): Per l’uso con gli strumenti di valutazione della salute mentale utilizzati in comunità e strutture ospedaliere, Edizione italiana per la Svizzera,9.1.1. :224.
Hirdes J.P, Hallman K.G.  1996.  Smoking status of chronic hospital patients: implications for health promotion programs. Canadian Journal of Public Health Revue Canadienne de Sante Publique. 87(5):317-8.
Hirdes J..  2000.  Long-term care in the information age: the potential of the MDS.. Stride. (February/May):14-17.
Hirdes JP, Curtin-Telegdi N, Rabinowitz T, Fries BE, Morris JN, Ikegami N, Yamauchi K, Smith TFrise, Perez E, Martin L et al..  2018.  interRAI Community Mental Health Schweiz (interRAI CMHSchweiz) Bedarfsabklärungsinstrument und Handbuch, Deutschsprachige Ausgabe für die Schweiz. :166.
Hirdes J.P, Fries B.E, Morris J.N, Ikegami N., Zimmerman D., Dalby D.M, Aliaga P., Hammer S., Jones R..  2004.  Home care quality indicators (HCQIs) based on the MDS-HC. Gerontologist. 44(5):665-679.
Hirdes J.P, Marhaba M., Smith T.F, Clyburn L., Mitchell L., Lemick R.A, Telegdi N.C, Pérez E., Prendergast P., Rabinowitz T. et al..  2000.  Development of the Resident Assessment Instrument--Mental Health (RAI-MH). Hospital Quarterly. 4(2):44-51.
Hirdes J.P.  1999.  Quality control in nursing homes.[comment]. CMAJ Canadian Medical Association Journal. 161(2):127.
Hirdes JP, Poss JW, Curtin-Telegdi N.  2008.  The Method for Assigning Priority Levels (MAPLe): A new decision-support system for allocating home care resources.(Technical advance). BMC Medicine. 6(9):9.
Hirdes JP, Curtin-Telegdi N, Mathias K, Perlman CM, Saarela T, Kolbeinsson H, Valdimarsdóttir R, Morris JN, Fries BE, Rabinowitz T et al..  2011.  interRAI Mental Health Clinical Assessment Protocols (CAPs) for Use with Community and Hospital-Based Mental Health Assessment Instruments. :214.
Hirdes J.P, Strain L.A.  1995.  The balance of exchange in instrumental support with network members outside the household. Journals of Gerontology Series B-Psychological Sciences & Social Sciences. 50(3):S134-42.
Hirdes JP, Curtin-Telegdi N, Poss JW, Gray L, Berg K, Stolee P, Costa AP, Morris JM, Björkgren M, Declercq A et al..  2018.  interRAI kontakthindamine (KH) hindamisvorm ja käsiraamat: skriinimisvahend kogukonnas/haiglas, Eestikeelne väljaanne. :72.
Hirdes JP, Dalby DM, R. Steel K, G. Carpenter I, Bernabei R, Morris JN, Fries BE.  2006.  Predictors of influenza immunization among home care clients in Ontario. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 97(4):335-9.
Hirdes J.P, Ikegami N., Jonsson P.V, Topinkova E., Maxwell C.J, Yamauchi K..  2000.  Cross-national comparisons of antidepressant use among institutionalized older persons based on the minimum data set (MDS). Canadian Journal on Aging-Revue Canadienne Du Vieillissement. 19:18-37.
Hirdes J., Gray L., Costa A., Berg K., Doran D., Tjam E..  2011.  Use of the interRAI Emergency Department Screener to Support the Management of Older Persons in the Emergency Department. Age Ageing.
Hirdes J.P, Frijters D.H, Teare G.F.  2003.  The MDS-CHESS scale: a new measure to predict mortality in institutionalized older people. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 51(1):96-100.
Hirdes J.P, Mitchell L., Ljunggren G., Schroll M..  1999.  International and regional variations in restraint use: implications for selecting benchmarks.. Canadian Journal of Quality in Health Care. 15(2):19-23.
Hirdes J.P, Botz C.A, Kozak J., Lepp V..  1996.  Identifying an appropriate case mix measure for chronic care: evidence from an Ontario pilot study. Healthcare Management Forum. 9(1):40-6.
Hirdes J.P., Riddell M, Curtin-Telegdi N.  2001.  Across sectors of the health care system: clinical considerations.. In Stride Magazine.
Hirdes JP, Curtin-Telegdi N, Mathias K, Perlman CM, Saarela T, Kolbeinsson H, Valdimarsdóttir R, Morris JN, Fries BE, Rabinowitz T et al..  2019.  Clinical Assessment Protocols (CAPs) en Santé Mentale InterRAI Complément Aux Instruments d'évaluation de la Santé Mentale en Milieux Communautaires et Hospitaliers, Edition Française Pour la Suisse. :232.
Hirdes J..  1996.  The prevalence, correlates and risks associated with psychotropic drug use in Canadian hospitals.. Hong Kong Journal of Gerontology. 10:84-88.
Hirdes JP, Marchewka MZiraldo, Saari M, Costa AP, Heckman G, Sinn C-LJoanna, Meehan B, Berg K, Gray L, Morris JN et al..  2023.  Évaluation à l’accueil (EA) interRAI, manuel de l’utilisateur et formulaire: Une évaluation de dépistage pour l’orientation vers des services à domicile et des soins communautaires, Version 10.0 Édition canadienne-française. :84.
Hirdes JP, Curtin-Telegdi N, Rabinowitz T, Fries BE, Morris JN, Ikegami N, Yamauchi K, Smith TFrise, Perez E, Martin L et al..  2018.  interRAI Community Mental Health Suisse (interRAI CMHSuisse) Instrument d’évaluation et manuel, Edition française pour la Suisse. :168.
Hirdes JP, Freeman S, Smith TFrise, Stolee P.  2012.  Predictors of caregiver distress among palliative home care clients in Ontario: Evidence based on the interRAI Palliative Care. Palliative & Supportive Care. FirstView:1-9.
Hirdes J.P, Marhaba M., Smith T.F, Clyburn L., Mitchell L., Lemick R.A, Telegdi N.C, Pérez E., Prendergast P., Rabinowitz T. et al..  2000.  Development of the Resident Assessment Instrument - Mental Health (RAI-MH).. Hospital Quarterly. 4(2):44-51.