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Cruz C., Vacarezza A., Pérez E..  2007.  Gestión en salud mental: Conciliando a clínicos y gestores. Revista de Psiquiatría y salud mental. XXIV:6-17.
Cruz C., Vacarezza A., Márquez P., Hirdes J..  2007.  ¿interRAI: Otra muralla de datos o una nueva ventana para ver a los pacientes? Revista de Administracion Sanitaria. XXIV:64-79.
Cruz C, Rabinowitz T, Hirdes J.  2015.  Characteristics of Persons Receiving Acute Inpatient Psychiatric Care in three Countries (Canada, Chile and the US), Assessed With the InterRAI-Mental Health.
Cruz C., Vacarezza A., Trapp A..  2007.  Aplicación del instrumento interRAI Salud Mental Comunitaria en centros ambulatorios de salud mental (Parte II). Revista de Administracion Sanitaria. XXIV:47-54.
Cruz C, Florenzano R, Lara C, Vacarezza A, Hirdes J, Pérez E, Trapp A, Riedel K.  2006.  Estudio piloto de aplicabilidad de un sistema clínico internacional de evaluación de calidad de atención en salud mental a pacientes psiquiátricos. Revista Latinoamericana de Psiquiatría. 6:25-30.
Cruz C., Vacarezza A., Trapp A..  2007.  Aplicación del instrumento interRAI Salud Mental Comunitaria en centros ambulatorios de salud mental (Parte I). Revista de Administracion Sanitaria. XXIV:37-46.
Cruz C..  2007.  Implementación del Centro de Responsabilidad en Servicio de Urgencias. ¿Eramos irresponsables, o , inconcientes? Revista de Administracion Sanitaria. XXIV:80-108.
Cruz AMiguel, Perez H, Jantzi M, Liu L, Hirdes JP.  2024.  Pan-Canadian estimates of the prevalence and risks associated with critical wandering among home care clients. Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association. 20(10):7079-7089.
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Costa AP, Hirdes JP, Heckman GA, Dey AB, Jónsson PV, Lakhan P, Ljunggren G, Singler K, Sjöstrand F, Swoboda W et al..  2014.  Geriatric syndromes predict postdischarge outcomes among older emergency department patients: Findings from the interRAI Multinational Emergency Department Study. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine. 21(4):422-33.
Costa A.P, Hirdes J.P, Bell C.M, Bronskill S.E, Heckman G.A, Mitchell L., Poss J.W, Sinha S.K, Stolee P..  2015.  Derivation and validation of the detection of indicators and vulnerabilities for emergency room trips scale for classifying the risk of emergency department use in frail community-dwelling older adults. J Am Geriatr Soc. 63(4):763-9.
Costa AP, Hirdes JP, Ariño-Blasco S, Berg K, Boscart VM, Carpenter CR, Curtin-Telegdi N, Émond M, Gray L, Heckman G et al..  2017.  interRAI Emergency Department (ED) Assessment System Manual: For Use with the interRAI ED Screener (EDS) and ED Contact Assessment (ED-CA). Version 9.3. :114.
Costa AP, Hirdes JP.  2010.  Clinical characteristics and service needs of alternate-level-of-care patients waiting for long-term care in Ontario hospitals. Healthcare Policy. 6(1):32-46.
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