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Saarela T.M, Finne-Soveri H., Liedenpohja A.M, Noro A..  2008.  Comparing psychogeriatric units to ordinary long-term care units - are there differences in case-mix or clinical symptoms? Nord J Psychiatry. 62(1):32-8.
Soldato M., Liperoti R., Landi F., Finne-Soveri H., Carpenter I., Fialova D., Bernabei R., Onder G..  2007.  Non malignant daily pain and risk of disability among older adults in home care in Europe. Pain. 129(3):304-10.
Sorbye L.W, Finne-Soveri H., Ljunggren G., Topinkova E., Bernabei R..  2005.  Indwelling catheter use in home care: elderly, aged 65+, in 11 different countries in Europe. Age & Ageing. 34(4):377-81.
Sorbye L.W, Finne-Soveri H., Ljunggren G., Topinkova E., Garms-Homolova V., Jensdottir A.B, Bernabei R., Ad H.OCProj.  2009.  Urinary incontinence and use of pads--clinical features and need for help in home care at 11 sites in Europe. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 23(1):33-44.
Sorbye L.W, Schroll M., Finne-Soveri H., Jonnson P.V, Ljunggren G., Topinkova E., Bernabei R., Ad H.OCProj.  2007.  Home care needs of extremely obese elderly European women. Menopause International. 13(2):84-7.
Sørbye L.W, Topinkova E., Schroll M., Finne-Soveri H., Ljungren G., Jonsson P.V, Bernabei R..  2007.  Home care needs of extreme obese European women.. Menopause International. 13:84-87.