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Cross-Country Validation of the Association Between Oral Health and General Health in Community-Dwelling Older Adults. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 20(9):1137-1142.e2.
2019. The calculation of quality indicators for long term care facilities in 8 countries (SHELTER project). BMC Health Services Research. 13(1):138.
2013. Comparing psychogeriatric units to ordinary long-term care units—Are there differences in case-mix or clinical symptoms? Nordic Journal of Psychiatry. 62(1):32-38.
2008. The Characteristics of Diabetic Residents in European Nursing Homes: Results from the SHELTER Study. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 16(4):334-340.
2015. Convergent validity of the interRAI-HC for societal costs estimates in comparison with the RUD Lite instrument in community dwelling older adults. BMC Health Services Research. 16(1):440.