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Luo H, Hirdes A, Heikilla J, De Cuyper K, Van Audenhove C, Saari M, Hirdes J.  2020.  Psychometric properties of the interRAI Self-Reported Quality of Life Scale: a multi-national study. Symposium 2: cross national research within interRAI Mental Health instruments: current and future initiatives, conducted at World interRAI Conference 2020, Date: 2020/02/03-2020/02/05, Location: Leuven, Belgium.
Luo H, Hirdes A, Heikkilä J, De Cuyper K, Van Audenhove C, Saari M, Hirdes JP.  2021.  interRAI subjective quality of life scale for mental health and addiction settings: a self-reported measure developed from a multi-national study. Frontiers in Psychiatry. :1117.