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Clinical characteristics and service needs of alternate-level-of-care patients waiting for long-term care in Ontario hospitals. Healthcare Policy. 6(1):32-46.
2010. Characteristics of individuals with congenital and acquired deaf-blindness. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness. 103(2):93-102.
2009. .
Comprehensive assessment of persons with bipolar disorder in long-term care settings: the potential of the interRAI family of instruments. Bipolar disorders in late life. :pp.27-49.
2007. A Canadian cohort study to evaluate the outcomes associated with a multicenter initiative to reduce antipsychotic use in long-term care homes. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 21(6):817-822.
2020. A care planning strategy for traumatic life events in community mental health and inpatient psychiatry based on the InterRAI assessment instruments. Community Mental Health Journal. 46(6):621-7.
2010. Clinical Profile of Persons with Multiple Sclerosis Across the Continuum of Care. Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences. 45(2):188-198.