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Rangrej J., Kaufman S., Wang S., Kerem A., Hirdes J., Hillmer M.P, Malikov K..  2022.  Identifying Unexpected Deaths in Long-Term Care Homes. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 23(8):1431.e21-1431.e28.
Fletcher P.C, Hirdes J.P.  2002.  Risk factors for falling among community-based seniors using home care services. Journals of Gerontology Series A Biological Sciences & Medical Sciences. 57(8):M504-M510.
Rangrej J., Kaufman S., Wang S., Kerem A., Hirdes J., Hillmer M.P, Malikov K..  2022.  Identifying Unexpected Deaths in Long-Term Care Homes. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 23(8):1431.e21-1431.e28.