Increased work-load associated with faecal incontinence among home care patients in 11 European countries. European Journal of Public Health. 18(3):323-8.
2008. Increased work-load associated with faecal incontinence among home care patients in 11 European countries. European Journal of Public Health. 18(3):323-8.
2008. Daily pain, its associates and impact on work load in institutional long-term care. Archives of Gerontology & Geriatrics. 27(2):105-114.
1998. Increased work-load associated with faecal incontinence among home care patients in 11 European countries. European Journal of Public Health. 18(3):323-8.
2008. Increased work-load associated with faecal incontinence among home care patients in 11 European countries. European Journal of Public Health. 18(3):323-8.
2008. Increased work-load associated with faecal incontinence among home care patients in 11 European countries. European Journal of Public Health. 18(3):323-8.
2008. Daily pain, its associates and impact on work load in institutional long-term care. Archives of Gerontology & Geriatrics. 27(2):105-114.