Patterns and determinants of health services use and mortality after VA nursing home care. Journal of Aging & Health. 8(2):280-301.
1996. Patterns and determinants of health services use and mortality after VA nursing home care. Journal of Aging & Health. 8(2):280-301.
1996. Prospects and pitfalls: use of the RAI-HC assessment by the Department of Veterans Affairs for home care clients. Gerontologist. 47(3):378-87.
2007. Prospects and pitfalls: use of the RAI-HC assessment by the Department of Veterans Affairs for home care clients. Gerontologist. 47(3):378-87.
2007. Prospects and pitfalls: use of the RAI-HC assessment by the Department of Veterans Affairs for home care clients. Gerontologist. 47(3):378-87.
2007. Prospects and pitfalls: use of the RAI-HC assessment by the Department of Veterans Affairs for home care clients. Gerontologist. 47(3):378-87.
2007. Patterns and determinants of health services use and mortality after VA nursing home care. Journal of Aging & Health. 8(2):280-301.