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Disease Progression
Binder E.F, Kruse R.L, Sherman A.K, Madsen R., Zweig S.C, D'Agostino R., Mehr D.R.  2003.  Predictors of short-term functional decline in survivors of nursing home-acquired lower respiratory tract infection. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 58(1):60-7.
Phillips C.D, Sloane P.D, Hawes C., Koch G., Han J., Spry K., Dunteman G., Williams R.L.  1997.  Effects of residence in Alzheimer disease special care units on functional outcomes. [erratum appears in JAMA 1998 Apr 15;279(15):1174]. JAMA. 278(16):1340-4.
Bentkover J., Cai S., Makineni R., Mucha L., Treglia M., Mor V..  2012.  Road to the nursing home: costs and disease progression among medicare beneficiaries with ADRD. Am J Alzheimers Dis Other Demen. 27(2):90-9.
Mitchell S.L, Kiely D.K, Lipsitz L.A.  1997.  The risk factors and impact on survival of feeding tube placement in nursing home residents with severe cognitive impairment.. Archives of Internal Medicine. 157(3):327-32.
Leontjevas R, van Hooren S, Waterink W, Mulders A.  2009.  Apathy and depressive mood in nursing home patients with early-onset dementia. American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease & Other Dementias®. 24(4):341-348.
Han L., McCusker J., Cole M., Abrahamowicz M., Primeau F., Elie M..  2001.  Use of medications with anticholinergic effect predicts clinical severity of delirium symptoms in older medical inpatients. Arch Intern Med. 161(8):1099-105.