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Assessing quality of nursing home care: the foundation for improving resident outcomes. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 10(4):1-9.
1996. Validating the mental health assessment protocols (MHAPs) in the resident assessment instrument mental health (RAI‐MH). Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing. 16(7):646-653.
2009. A revised Index for Social Engagement for long-term care. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 34(4):40-8.
2008. A revised Index for Social Engagement for long-term care. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 34(4):40-8.
2008. Assessing quality of nursing home care: the foundation for improving resident outcomes. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 10(4):1-9.
1996. A revised Index for Social Engagement for long-term care. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 34(4):40-8.
2008. Validating the mental health assessment protocols (MHAPs) in the resident assessment instrument mental health (RAI‐MH). Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing. 16(7):646-653.
2009. Assessing quality of nursing home care: the foundation for improving resident outcomes. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 10(4):1-9.
1996. Assessing quality of nursing home care: the foundation for improving resident outcomes. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 10(4):1-9.
1996. Validating the mental health assessment protocols (MHAPs) in the resident assessment instrument mental health (RAI‐MH). Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing. 16(7):646-653.
2009. Assessing quality of nursing home care: the foundation for improving resident outcomes. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 10(4):1-9.
1996. Validating the mental health assessment protocols (MHAPs) in the resident assessment instrument mental health (RAI‐MH). Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing. 16(7):646-653.
2009. Validating the mental health assessment protocols (MHAPs) in the resident assessment instrument mental health (RAI‐MH). Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing. 16(7):646-653.
2009. A revised Index for Social Engagement for long-term care. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 34(4):40-8.
2008. Assessing quality of nursing home care: the foundation for improving resident outcomes. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 10(4):1-9.
1996. Assessing quality of nursing home care: the foundation for improving resident outcomes. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 10(4):1-9.
1996. Validating the mental health assessment protocols (MHAPs) in the resident assessment instrument mental health (RAI‐MH). Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing. 16(7):646-653.
2009. Assessing quality of nursing home care: the foundation for improving resident outcomes. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. 10(4):1-9.
1996. A revised Index for Social Engagement for long-term care. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 34(4):40-8.
2008. A revised Index for Social Engagement for long-term care. Journal of Gerontological Nursing. 34(4):40-8.