The post-acute delayed discharge risk scale: derivation and validation with Ontario alternate level of care patients in Ontario complex continuing care hospitals. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 21(4):538-544.e1.
2020. Clinical predictors of protracted length of stay in Ontario Complex Continuing Care hospitals. BMC health services research. 19(1):218-218.
2019. The post-acute delayed discharge risk scale: derivation and validation with Ontario alternate level of care patients in Ontario complex continuing care hospitals. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 21(4):538-544.e1.
2020. Clinical predictors of protracted length of stay in Ontario Complex Continuing Care hospitals. BMC health services research. 19(1):218-218.
2019. Clinical predictors of protracted length of stay in Ontario Complex Continuing Care hospitals. BMC health services research. 19(1):218-218.
2019. The post-acute delayed discharge risk scale: derivation and validation with Ontario alternate level of care patients in Ontario complex continuing care hospitals. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 21(4):538-544.e1.
2020. Clinical predictors of protracted length of stay in Ontario Complex Continuing Care hospitals. BMC health services research. 19(1):218-218.