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Thompson G.N, Doupe M., Reid R.C, Baumbusch J., Estabrooks C.A.  2017.  Pain Trajectories of Nursing Home Residents Nearing Death. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 18(8):700-706.
Slaughter S.E, Wagg A.S, Jones C.A, Schopflocher D., Ickert C., Bampton E., Jantz A., Milke D., Schalm C., Lycar C. et al..  2015.  Mobility of vulnerable elders study: Effect of the sit-to-stand activity on mobility, function, and quality of life. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 16(2):138-143.
Schumpf L.F, Theill N., Scheiner D.A, Fink D., Riese F., Betschart C..  2017.  Urinary incontinence and its association with functional physical and cognitive health among female nursing home residents in Switzerland. BMC geriatrics. 17(1):17.
Shieu B.M, Toles M., Hoben M., Schwartz T.A, Beeber A.S, Anderson R.A.  2022.  A Cross-Sectional, Correlational Study Comparing Individual Characteristics of Younger and Older Nursing Home Residents using Western Canadian Resident Assessment Instrument-Minimum Data Set (RAI-MDS) 2.0. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 23(11):1878-1882.e3.
Scocco P., Toffol E., Frasson A., Cavrini G., Argentino P., Azzarito C., Federici S., Putzu P.F, de Girolamo G..  2017.  Associations between conflictual relationships, psychopathology, and the use of psychotropic drugs among older people living in residential facilities. Psychogeriatrics. 17(1):25-32.
Schluter P.J, Ward C., Arnold E.P, Scrase R., Jamieson H.A.  2017.  Urinary incontinence, but not fecal incontinence, is a risk factor for admission to aged residential care of older persons in New Zealand. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 36(6):1588-1595.