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Assessment of nursing home residents in Europe: the Services and Health for Elderly in Long TERm care (SHELTER) study. BMC Health Serv Res. 12:5.
2012. Community care in Europe. The Aged in Home Care project (AdHOC). Aging-Clinical & Experimental Research. 16(4):259-69.
2004. Co-morbidity and functional limitation in older patients underreported in medical records in Nordic Acute Care Hospitals when compared with the MDS-AC instrument. Age and ageing. 35(4):434-8.
2006. Comparing psychogeriatric units to ordinary long-term care units - are there differences in case-mix or clinical symptoms? Nord J Psychiatry. 62(1):32-8.
2008. Daily pain, its associates and impact on work load in institutional long-term care. Archives of Gerontology & Geriatrics. 27(2):105-114.
1998. Increased work-load associated with faecal incontinence among home care patients in 11 European countries. European Journal of Public Health. 18(3):323-8.
2008. Indwelling catheter use in home care: elderly, aged 65+, in 11 different countries in Europe. Age & Ageing. 34(4):377-81.
2005. Insomnia in long-term care facilities: a comparison of seven European countries and Israel: the Services and Health for Elderly in Long TERm care study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 62(11):2033-9.
2014. Method for Assigning Priority Levels in Acute Care (MAPLe-AC) predicts outcomes of acute hospital care of older persons--a cross-national validation. BMC medical informatics and decision making. 11:39.
2011. Non malignant daily pain and risk of disability among older adults in home care in Europe. Pain. 129(3):304-10.
2007. Potentially inappropriate medication use among elderly home care patients in Europe. JAMA. 293(11):1348-58.
2005. Predictors for Unplanned Hospitalization of New Home Care Clients. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 65(2):407-414.
2017. Prevalence of potentially inappropriate medications according to STOPP-Frail criteria in nursing home residents, the SHELTER study. BMC Geriatr. 24(1):882.
2024. Reasons for home care clients' unplanned Hospital admissions and their associations with patient characteristics. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 78:114-126.
2018. Urinary incontinence and use of pads--clinical features and need for help in home care at 11 sites in Europe. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 23(1):33-44.