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Journal Article
Fries B.E, Schroll M., Hawes C., Gilgen R., Jonsson P.V, Park P..  1997.  Approaching cross-national comparisons of nursing home residents. Age & Ageing. 26(Suppl 2):13-8.
Wharton T.C, Nnodim J., Hogikyan R., Mody L., James M., Montagnini M., Fries B.E.  2013.  Assessing health status differences between Veterans Affairs home-based primary care and state Medicaid Waiver Program clients. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 14(4):260-4.
Shugarman L.R, Buttar A., Fries B.E, Moore T., Blaum C.S.  2002.  Caregiver attitudes and hospitalization risk in michigan residents receiving home- and community-based care. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 50(6):1079-85.
Teno J.M, Branco K.J, Mor V., Phillips C.D, Hawes C., Morris J., Fries B.E.  1997.  Changes in advance care planning in nursing homes before and after the patient Self-Determination Act: report of a 10-state survey. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 45(8):939-44.
Mor V., Intrator O., Fries B.E, Phillips C., Teno J., Hiris J., Hawes C., Morris J..  1997.  Changes in hospitalization associated with introducing the Resident Assessment Instrument.. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 45(8):1002-10.
Shugarman L.R, Fries B.E, James M..  1999.  A comparison of home care clients and nursing home residents: can community based care keep the elderly and disabled at home? Home Health Care Services Quarterly. 18(1):25-45.
Fries B.E, Hawes C., Morris J.N, Phillips C.D, Mor V., Park P.S.  1997.  Effect of the National Resident Assessment Instrument on selected health conditions and problems. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 45(8):994-1001.
Phillips C.D, Hawes C., Mor V., Fries B.E, Morris J.N, Nennstiel M.E.  1996.  Facility and area variation affecting the use of physical restraints in nursing homes. Medical Care. 34(11):1149-62.
Blaum C.S, Fries B.E, Fiatarone M.A.  1995.  Factors associated with low body mass index and weight loss in nursing home residents. Journals of Gerontology Series A-Biological Sciences & Medical Sciences. 50(3):M162-8.
Mehr D.R, Fries B.E, Williams B.C.  1993.  How different are VA nursing home residents? Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 41(10):1095-101.
Shugarman L.R, Fries B.E, Wolf R.S, Morris J.N.  2003.  Identifying older people at risk of abuse during routine screening practices. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 51(1):24-31.
Williams B.C, Fries B.E, Mehr D.R.  1993.  Length of stay in VA nursing homes. Comparative characteristics of brief-, medium-, and long-stay residents. Journal of Aging & Health. 5(2):208-28.
Carpenter G.I, Hastie C.L, Morris J.N, Fries B.E, Ankri J..  2006.  Measuring change in activities of daily living in nursing home residents with moderate to severe cognitive impairment. BMC geriatrics. 6:7.
Koehler M., Rabinowitz T., Hirdes J., Stones M., Carpenter G.I, Fries B.E, Morris J.N, Jones R.N.  2005.  Measuring depression in nursing home residents with the MDS and GDS: an observational psychometric study. BMC Geriatr. 5:1.
Williams B.C, Fries B.E, Mehr D.R.  1996.  Patterns and determinants of health services use and mortality after VA nursing home care. Journal of Aging & Health. 8(2):280-301.
James M.L, Wiley E., Fries B.E.  2007.  Predicting nursing facility transition candidates using AID: a case study. Gerontologist. 47(5):625-32.
Williams B.C, Li Y., Fries B.E, Warren R.L.  1997.  Predicting patient scores between the functional independence measure and the minimum data set: development and performance of a FIM-MDS "crosswalk". Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 78(1):48-54.
Williams B.C, Li Y., Fries B.E, Warren R.L.  1997.  Predicting patient scores between the functional independence measure and the minimum data set: development and performance of a FIM-MDS "crosswalk".[erratum appears in Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1998 Feb;79(2):231]. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 78(1):48-54.
Morris J.N, Howard E.P, Steel K., Schreiber R., Fries B.E, Lipsitz L.A, Goldman B..  2014.  Predicting risk of hospital and emergency department use for home care elderly persons through a secondary analysis of cross-national data. BMC Health Serv Res. 14:519.
Langmore S.E, Skarupski K.A, Park P.S, Fries B.E.  2002.  Predictors of aspiration pneumonia in nursing home residents. Dysphagia. 17(4):298-307.
Voelkl J.E, Fries B.E, Galecki A.T.  1995.  Predictors of nursing home residents' participation in activity programs. Gerontologist. 35(1):44-51.
Phillips C.D, Hawes C., Fries B.E.  1993.  Reducing the use of physical restraints in nursing homes: will it increase costs? American Journal of Public Health. 83(3):342-8.
Morris J.N, Berg K., Fries B.E, Steel K., Howard E.P.  2013.  Scaling functional status within the interRAI suite of assessment instruments. BMC Geriatr. 13:128.
Ahronheim J.C, Mulvihill M., Sieger C., Park P., Fries B.E.  2001.  State practice variations in the use of tube feeding for nursing home residents with severe cognitive impairment.. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 49(2):148-52.
Fries B.E, Schmorrow A., Lang S.W, Margolis P.M, Heany J., Brown G.P, Barbaree H.E, Hirdes J.P.  2013.  Symptoms and treatment of mental illness among prisoners: a study of Michigan state prisons. Int J Law Psychiatry. 36(3-4):316-25.