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Costa AP, Hirdes JP.  2010.  Clinical characteristics and service needs of alternate-level-of-care patients waiting for long-term care in Ontario hospitals. Healthcare Policy. 6(1):32-46.
Buttar A., Blaum C., Fries B..  2001.  Clinical characteristics and six-month outcomes of nursing home residents with low activities of daily living dependency. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 56(5):M292-7.
Cheung E.NM, Benjamin S., Heckman G., Ho J.M, Lee L., Sinha S.K, Costa A.P.  2018.  Clinical characteristics associated with the onset of delirium among long-term nursing home residents. BMC Geriatr. 18(1):39.
Gentin M., Marquestaut O, de Stampa M.  2019.  Clinical characteristics, care professionals’ intervention and care complexity for elderly patients in home hospitalization. Santé Publique. 31(2):269-276.
Heckman G.A, Crizzle A.M, Chen J., Pringsheim T., Jette N., Kergoat M.J, Eckel L., Hirdes J.P.  2017.  Clinical Complexity and Use of Antipsychotics and Restraints in Long-Term Care Residents with Parkinson's Disease. Journal of Parkinsons Disease. 7(1):103-115.
Foebel AD, Heckman GA, Hirdes JP, Tyas SL, Tjam EY, McKelvie RS, Maxwell CJ.  2011.  Clinical, demographic and functional characteristics associated with pharmacotherapy for heart failure in older home care clients: a retrospective, population-level, cross-sectional study. Drugs & aging. 28(7):561-573.
Stineman MG, Maislin G.  2000.  Clinical, Epidemiological, and Policy Implications of Minimum Data Set Validity. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 48(12):1734-1736.
Correia R.H, Mowbray F.I, Dash D., Katz P.R, Moser A., Strum R.P, Jones A., von Schlegell A., Costa A.P.  2022.  Clinical factors associated with recent medical care visits in nursing homes: a multi-site cross-sectional study. BMC geriatrics. 22(1):320.
Little J, Hirdes JP, Perlman CM, Meyer SB.  2019.  Clinical Predictors of Delayed Discharges in Inpatient Mental Health Settings Across Ontario. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research. 46(1):105-114.
Turcotte LA, Perlman CM, Fries BE, Hirdes JP.  2019.  Clinical predictors of protracted length of stay in Ontario Complex Continuing Care hospitals. BMC health services research. 19(1):218-218.
Turcotte LA, Marrie RAnn, Patten SB, Hirdes JP.  2018.  Clinical Profile of Persons with Multiple Sclerosis Across the Continuum of Care. Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences. 45(2):188-198.
Bruer R.A, Rodway-Norman M., Large M..  2018.  Closer to the Truth: Admission to Multiple Psychiatric Facilities and an Inaccurate History of Hospitalization Are Strongly Associated with Inpatient Suicide. Can J Psychiatry. 63(11):748-756.
Huizing AR, Hamers JPH, Gulpers MJM, Berger MPF.  2008.  A cluster-randomized trial of an educational intervention to reduce the use of physical restraints with psychogeriatric nursing home residents. J Am Geriatr Soc. 57(7):75.
Ayello E.A.  2017.  CMS MDS 3.0 Section M Skin Conditions in Long-term Care: Pressure Ulcers, Skin Tears, and Moisture-Associated Skin Damage Data Update. Advances in skin & wound care. 30(9):415-429.
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Morris J.N, Howard E.P, Schachter E., Burney S., Laytham A., Fialova D., Hoogendijk E.O, Liperoti R., van Hout H.PJ, Vetrano D.L.  2023.  Cognitive Change Among Nursing Home Residents: CogRisk-NH Scale Development to Predict Decline. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 24(9):1405-1411.
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Kwan RYiu Cho, Kwan CWai, Kor PPui Kin, Chi I.  2022.  Cognitive decline, sensory impairment, and the use of audio-visual aids by long-term care facility residents. BMC Geriatrics. 22(1):216.
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Guthrie DM, Davidson JGS, Williams N, Campos J, Hunter K, Mick P, Orange JB, M. Pichora-Fuller K, Phillips NA, Savundranayagam MY et al..  2018.  Combined impairments in vision, hearing and cognition are associated with greater levels of functional and communication difficulties than cognitive impairment alone: Analysis of interRAI data for home care and long-term care recipients in Ontario. PLoS ONE. 13(2):e0192971.
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