
Export 2197 results:
Martin L, Hirdes JP, Fries BE, Smith TF.  2007.  Development and Psychometric Properties of an Assessment for Persons With Intellectual Disability—The interRAI ID. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities. 4(1):23-29.
Martin L, Hirdes JP, Fries BE, Smith TF.  2007.  Development and Psychometric Properties of an Assessment for Persons With Intellectual Disability;The interRAI ID. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities. 4(1):23-29.
Zinn J.S, Mor V., Feng Z., Intrator O..  2007.  Doing better to do good: the impact of strategic adaptation on nursing home performance. Health Serv Res. 42(3 Pt 1):1200-18.
Wodchis W.P, Hirth R.A, Fries B.E.  2007.  Effect of Medicaid payment on rehabilitation care for nursing home residents. Health Care Financ Rev. 28(3):117-29.
Grunier A., Miller S., Intrator O., Zinn J., Mor V..  2007.  The Effect of State Medicaid Policies and Nursing Home Racial Composition on the Risk of Hospitalization for Black and White Residents.. Health Services Research. To Appear
Kool T., Meulen Tvd, De Jong D., Frijters D..  2007.  Eindelijk zicht op kwaliteit in de V&V.. Zorg Magazine. 11:14-17.
Lara C., Señoret C., Vacarezza A..  2007.  Evaluación de la percepción del cambio en los equipos de salud involucrados en el proyecto InterRAI. Revista de Administracion Sanitaria. XXIV:55-63.
Phillips C.D, Shen R., Chen M., Sherman M..  2007.  Evaluating nursing home performance indicators: an illustration exploring the impact of facilities on ADL change. Gerontologist. 47(5):683-9.
Martin L., Hirdes J.P, Fries B.E.  2007.  Examining the characteristics of persons with intellectual disability receiving hospital services, Part 2: Complex continuing care hospitals/units. Journal on Developmental Disabilities. 13(3):105-117.
Martin L., Hirdes J.P., Fries B.E..  2007.  Examining the Characteristics of Persons with Intellectual Disability Receiving Hospital Services: Part 2 - Complex Continuing Care Hospitals/Units. Journal on Developmental Disabilities. 13(3):105-117.
Martin L.R, Hirdes J.P, Fries B.E.  2007.  Examining the characteristics of persons with intellectual disability receiving hospital services: Part 1 - Psychiatric hospitals/units. Journal on Developmental Disabilities. 13(3):89-103.
Vik SA, Jantzi M, Poss J, Hirdes J, Hanley DA, Hogan DB, Maxwell CJ.  2007.  Factors Associated With Pharmacologic Treatment of Osteoporosis in an Older Home Care Population. The Journals of Gerontology: Series A. 62(8):872-878.
Pitkala KH, Strandberg TE, Finne-Soveri UH, Ouwehand AC, Poussa T, Salminen S..  2007.  Fermented cereal with specific bifidobacteria normalizes bowel movements in elderly nursing home residents. A randomized, controlled trial.. J Nutr Health Aging.. 11(4):305-11.
Jonsén E, Ljunggren G, Jónsson PV, Gösta B.  2007.  Functional status in elderly people after acute care and quality of life at one year follow up.. ICUS NURS WEB J. 1:1-14.
Cruz C., Vacarezza A., Pérez E..  2007.  Gestión en salud mental: Conciliando a clínicos y gestores. Revista de Psiquiatría y salud mental. XXIV:6-17.
Sørbye L.W, Topinkova E., Schroll M., Finne-Soveri H., Ljungren G., Jonsson P.V, Bernabei R..  2007.  Home care needs of extreme obese European women.. Menopause International. 13:84-87.
Sorbye L.W, Schroll M., Finne-Soveri H., Jonnson P.V, Ljunggren G., Topinkova E., Bernabei R., Ad H.OCProj.  2007.  Home care needs of extremely obese elderly European women. Menopause International. 13(2):84-7.
Sørbye LW..  2007.  Home, residential and palliative care.. Medical Problems in Women over 70. :217-231.
Gozalo P., Miller SC., Intrator O., Barber J., Mor V..  2007.  Hospice Effect on Government Expenditures Among Nursing Home Residents.. Health Services Research. To Appear
Intrator O., Grabowski D.C, Zinn J., Schleinitz M., Feng Z., Miller S., Mor V..  2007.  Hospitalization of nursing home residents: the effects of states' Medicaid payment and bed-hold policies. Health Serv Res. 42(4):1651-71.
Gruneir A., Miller S.C, Intrator O., Mor V..  2007.  Hospitalization of nursing home residents with cognitive impairments: the influence of organizational features and state policies. Gerontologist. 47(4):447-56.
Cruz C..  2007.  Implementación del Centro de Responsabilidad en Servicio de Urgencias. ¿Eramos irresponsables, o , inconcientes? Revista de Administracion Sanitaria. XXIV:80-108.
Cruz C., Vacarezza A., Márquez P., Hirdes J..  2007.  ¿interRAI: Otra muralla de datos o una nueva ventana para ver a los pacientes? Revista de Administracion Sanitaria. XXIV:64-79.
Zhu M, Chen W, Hirdes JP, Stolee P.  2007.  The K-nearest neighbor algorithm predicted rehabilitation potential better than current Clinical Assessment Protocol. Journal of clinical epidemiology. 60(10):1015-1021.
Choi ESook, June KJa.  2007.  Long-Term Care Needs Assessment of the Disabled Workers After an Industrial Injury. Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing. 16(2):188-196.