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Gregorevic K, Hubbard RE, Peel NMay, Lim WKwang.  2018.  Validation of the health assets index in the Australian inpatient setting: a multicentre prospective cohort protocol study. BMJ open. 8(5):e021135.
Travers C., Byrne G.J, Pachana N.A, Klein K., Gray L..  2013.  Validation of the interRAI Cognitive Performance Scale against Independent Clinical Diagnosis and the Mini-Mental State Examination in Older Hospitalized Patients. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging. 17(5):435-9.
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Hartmaier S.L, Sloane P.D, Guess H.A, Koch G.G, Mitchell C.M, Phillips C.D.  1995.  Validation of the Minimum Data Set Cognitive Performance Scale: agreement with the Mini-Mental State Examination. Journals of Gerontology Series A-Biological Sciences & Medical Sciences. 50(2):M128-33.
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Bjorkgren M.A, Hakkinen U., Finne-Soveri U.H, Fries B.E.  1999.  Validity and reliability of Resource Utilization Groups (RUG-III) in Finnish long-term care facilities. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health. 27(3):228-34.
Anderson R.L, Buckwalter K.C, Buchanan R.J, Maas M.L, Imhof S.L.  2003.  Validity and reliability of the Minimum Data Set Depression Rating Scale (MDSDRS) for older adults in nursing homes. Age Ageing. 32(4):435-8.
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Cabral LAfonso Bat, Machado Wde Lara, Ferlin ELuiz, Hirdes JP, Marrone LCarlos Por, Hirdes A.  2021.  VALIDITY OF THE INSTRUMENT interRAI EMERGENCY SCREENER FOR PSYCHIATRY FOR THE BRAZILIAN CONTEXT.
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