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Applebaum R., Mehdizadeh S., Berish D..  2018.  It Is Not Your Parents' Long-Term Services System: Nursing Homes in a Changing World. J Appl Gerontol. :733464818818050.
Li C.Y, Romero S., Bonilha H.S, Simpson K.N, Simpson A.N, Hong I., Velozo C.A.  2018.  Linking Existing Instruments to Develop an Activity of Daily Living Item Bank. Eval Health Prof. 41(1):25-43.
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Dasenbrock H, Gormley WB, Lee Y, Mor V, Mitchell SL, Fehnel CR.  2018.  Long-term outcomes among octogenarians with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage. :1.
Swinkels JC, van Groenou MIBroese, de Boer A, van Tilburg TG.  2018.  Male and Female Partner-Caregivers’ Burden: Does It Get Worse Over Time? The Gerontologist.
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Jung H-Y, Li Q, Rahman M, Mor V.  2018.  Medicare Advantage enrollees' use of nursing homes: trends and nursing home characteristics. The American journal of managed care. 24(8):e249-e256.
Hass Z., Woodhouse M., Kane R., Arling G..  2018.  Modeling Community Discharge of Medicaid Nursing Home Residents: Implications for Money Follows the Person. Health Serv Res. 53 Suppl 1:2787-2802.
Suskind A.M, Zhao S., Walter L.C, Boscardin W.J, Finlayson E..  2018.  Mortality and Functional Outcomes After Minor Urological Surgery in Nursing Home Residents: A National Study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 66(5):909-915.
Middleton A., Li S., Kuo Y.F, Ottenbacher K.J, Goodwin J.S.  2018.  New Institutionalization in Long-Term Care After Hospital Discharge to Skilled Nursing Facility. J Am Geriatr Soc. 66(1):56-63.
Thomas K.S, Boyd E., Mariotto A.B, Penn D.C, Barrett M.J, Warren J.L.  2018.  New Opportunities for Cancer Health Services Research: Linking the SEER-Medicare Data to the Nursing Home Minimum Data Set. Med Care. 56(12):e90-e96.
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Plaku-Alakbarova B., Punnett L., Gore R.J.  2018.  Nursing Home Employee and Resident Satisfaction and Resident Care Outcomes. Saf Health Work. 9(4):408-415.
Howard E.P., Morris J.N..  2018.  The nursing home frailty scale: an efficient approach to assessing frailty in long-term care. Annals of Long-Term Care. (Early View)
Cai S., Miller S.C, Gozalo P.L.  2018.  Nursing Home-Hospice Collaboration and End-of-Life Hospitalizations Among Dying Nursing Home Residents. J Am Med Dir Assoc. 19(5):439-443.
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Phillips L.J, Birtley N.M, Petroski G.F, Siem C., Rantz M..  2018.  An observational study of antipsychotic medication use among long-stay nursing home residents without qualifying diagnoses. J Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs. 25(8):463-474.
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