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Yamada Y, Ikegami N.  1999.  Comparing care planning - care plans in home care.. Japanese Journal of Home Care Nursing. 4(3):179-188.
Horncastle AJ, Gauld TD, Smith MB, W Thomson M.  2023.  Comparing approaches to determining poor oral health among older adults in a national survey. Gerodontology.
Rogers JC, Gwinn SMG, Holm MB.  2001.  Comparing activities of daily living assessment instruments: FIM, MDS, OASIS, MDS-PAC.. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics. 18(3):1-25.
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Miller D.  1997.  A comparative analysis of eligibility criteria for long term care placement: developing a new algorithm for Ontario, Waterloo.. University of Waterloo: MA Thesis.
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Gerber GJ, Gargaro J, McMackin S.  2016.  Community integration and health-related quality-of-life following acquired brain injury for persons living at home. Brain Injury. 30(13-14):1552-1560.
Carpenter I., Gambassi G., Topinkova E., Schroll M., Finne-Soveri H., Henrard J.C, Garms-Homolova V., Jonsson P., Frijters D., Ljunggren G. et al..  2004.  Community care in Europe. The Aged in Home Care project (AdHOC). Aging-Clinical & Experimental Research. 16(4):259-69.
Blair A, Brunton B., Rook M..  1999.  Communication: Implementation of the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI): The benefits of a structured communication plan.. Healthcare Management Forum. 12(2):54-56.
Morris J.N, Nonemaker S., Murphy K., Hawes C., Fries B.E, Mor V., Phillips C..  1997.  A commitment to change: revision of HCFA's RAI.. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 45(8):1011-6.
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Davidson K.  2019.  Commentary: Registered Nurses' experiences with, and feelings and attitudes towards, the International Resident Assessment Instrument for Long-Term Care Facilities in New Zealand in 2017. Journal of Research in Nursing. :1744987119890689.
Davidson K.  2020.  Commentary: Registered Nurses' experiences with, and feelings and attitudes towards, the International Resident Assessment Instrument for Long-Term Care Facilities in New Zealand in 2017. Journal of Research in Nursing. 25(2):156-158.
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Guthrie DM, Davidson JGS, Williams N, Campos J, Hunter K, Mick P, Orange JB, M. Pichora-Fuller K, Phillips NA, Savundranayagam MY et al..  2018.  Combined impairments in vision, hearing and cognition are associated with greater levels of functional and communication difficulties than cognitive impairment alone: Analysis of interRAI data for home care and long-term care recipients in Ontario. PLoS ONE. 13(2):e0192971.
Howard EP, Schreiber R, Morris JN, Russotto A, Flashner-Fineman S.  2016.  COLLAGE 360: A Model of Person-Centered Care To Promote Health Among Older Adults. Journal of ageing research and healthcare. 1(1):21-30.
Yamauchi K., Ikegami N..  1999.  Cognitive performance scale (CPS). Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 10(8):943-952.
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