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Neutel C.I, Hirdes J.P, Maxwell C.J, Patten S.B.  1996.  New evidence on benzodiazepine use and falls: the time factor. Age & Ageing. 25(4):273-8.
Voelkl J.E, Galecki A.T., Fries B.E..  1996.  Nursing home residents with severe cognitive impairments: predictors of participation in activity groups.. Therapeutic Recreation Journal. (First Quarter):27-40.
Wagner E.H, Austin B.T, Von Korff M..  1996.  Organizing care for patients with chronic illness. Milbank Q. 74(4):511-544.
Williams B.C, Fries B.E, Mehr D.R.  1996.  Patterns and determinants of health services use and mortality after VA nursing home care. Journal of Aging & Health. 8(2):280-301.
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Ljunggren G, Brandt L.  1996.  Predicting Nursing Home Length of Stay and Outcome with a Resource-Based Classification System. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care. 12(1):72-79.
Hirdes J..  1996.  The prevalence, correlates and risks associated with psychotropic drug use in Canadian hospitals.. Hong Kong Journal of Gerontology. 10:84-88.
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Hirdes J.P, Hallman K.G.  1996.  Smoking status of chronic hospital patients: implications for health promotion programs. Canadian Journal of Public Health Revue Canadienne de Sante Publique. 87(5):317-8.
Hirdes J.P, Brown K.S.  1996.  A survival analysis of institutional relocation in a chronic care hospital. Canadian Journal on Aging. 15(4):514-524.
Karon S.L, Zimmerman D.R.  1996.  Using indicators to structure quality improvement initiatives in long-term care. Qual Manag Health Care. 4(3):54-66.
Hirdes J.P, Strain L.A.  1995.  The balance of exchange in instrumental support with network members outside the household. Journals of Gerontology Series B-Psychological Sciences & Social Sciences. 50(3):S134-42.
Carpenter G.I, Main A., Turner G.F.  1995.  Casemix for the elderly inpatient: Resource Utilization Groups (RUGs) validation project. Age & Ageing. 24(1):5-13.
Turner GF, Main A, G. Carpenter I.  1995.  Casemix, resource use, and geriatric medicine in England and Wales.. Age & Ageing. 24(1):1-4.
Mark DH, Bahr J, Duthie EH, Tesch DD.  1995.  Characteristics of residents with do-not-resuscitate orders in nursing homes.. Archives of Family Medicine. 4(5):63-67.
Zimmerman D.R, Karon S.L, Arling G., Clark B.R, Collins T., Ross R., Sainfort F..  1995.  Development and testing of nursing home quality indicators. Health Care Financ Rev. 16(4):107-27.
Ramsay JD, Sainfort F., Zimmerman D..  1995.  An empirical test of the structure, process, and outcome quality paradigm using resident-based, nursing facility assessment data.. American Journal of Medical Quality. 10(2):63-75.
Sloane P.D, Lindeman DA, Phillips C.D., Moritz DJ, Koch G..  1995.  Evaluating Alzheimer's special care units: reviewing the evidence and identifying potential sources of study bias.. The Gerontologist. 35(1):103-111.
Rantz M.J.  1995.  Examining MDS (Minimum Data Set) resident assessments for the impact on public policy. Journal of Long Term Care Administration. 23(3):18-21.
Blaum C.S, Fries B.E, Fiatarone M.A.  1995.  Factors associated with low body mass index and weight loss in nursing home residents. Journals of Gerontology Series A-Biological Sciences & Medical Sciences. 50(3):M162-8.
Hirdes J..  1995.  Final report: classification of patients in metropolitan Toronto continuing care beds according to the U.S. Minimum Data Set 2.0 and RUG-III grouping methodology.. Metropolitan Toronto Hospital Restructuring Committee.
Ikegami N.  1995.  Functional assessment and its place in health care. N Engl J Med. 332(9):598-9.
Steel R.K, Musliner M.C, Boling P.A.  1995.  Home care in the urban setting--a challenge to medical education. Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine. 72(1):87-94.
Williams B., Betley C..  1995.  Inappropriate use of nonpsychotropic medications in nursing homes. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 43(5):513-9.