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Morris J.N, Emerson-Lombardo N..  1994.  A national perspective on SCU service richness: findings from the AARP Survey. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders. 8(Suppl 1):S87-96.
Fries B.E, Schneider D.P, Foley W.J, Gavazzi M., Burke R., Cornelius E..  1994.  Refining a case-mix measure for nursing homes: Resource Utilization Groups (RUG-III). Medical Care. 32(7):668-85.
Hirdes J.P, Maxwell C.J.  1994.  Smoking cessation and quality of life outcomes among older adults in the Campbell's Survey on Well-Being. Canadian Journal of Public Health Revue Canadienne de Sante Publique. 85(2):99-102.
Wolfson M.C.  1994.  Social Proprioception: Measurement, Data, and Information from a population Health perspective. Why are some people healthy and others not?.
Hirdes J.P, Brown K.S.  1994.  The statistical analysis of event histories in longitudinal studies of aging. Canadian Journal on Aging. 13(3):332-352.
Williams B.C, Mehr D.R, Fries B.E.  1994.  Use of administrative records to describe longitudinal patterns of health services use among veterans. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 1(4):325-7.
Hirdes J.P, Naus P.J, Young J.E.  1994.  The use of preventive home visits among frail elderly persons: Evidence from three European countries. Canadian Journal on Aging. 13(4):499-509.
Millsant BHMD, Sweet RMD, A. Rifai HMD, Pasternak REMD, McEachran AMS, Zubenko GSMDP.  1994.  The Use of the Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression in Elderly Patients With Cognitive Impairment and Physical Illness. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry Summer. 2(3):220-229.
Sparks SM.  1993.  Clincial validation of pressure ulcer risk factors.. Ostomy Wound Manage. 39(4):40-48.
Herr KA, Mobily PR.  1993.  Comparison of selected pain assessment tools for use with the elderly. Applied Nursing Research. 6(1):39-46.
Fries B.E, Durance P.W, Nerenz D.R, Ashcraft M.L.  1993.  A comprehensive payment model for short- and long-stay psychiatric patients. Health Care Financing Review. 15(2):31-50.
Aronson MK, Cox D, Guastadisegni P.  1993.  Dementia, agitation, and care in the nursing home.. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 41(5):507-512.
Phillips C.D, Chu C.W, Morris J.N, Hawes C..  1993.  Effects of cognitive impairment on the reliability of geriatric assessments in nursing homes. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 41(2):136-42.
Hirdes J.P, Forbes W.F.  1993.  Factors associated with the maintenance of good self-rated health. Journal of Aging & Health. 5(1):101-122.
Mehr D.R, Fries B.E, Williams B.C.  1993.  How different are VA nursing home residents? Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 41(10):1095-101.
Ensberg M.D, Paletta M.J, Galecki A.T, Dacko C.L, Fries B.E.  1993.  Identifying elderly patients for early discharge after hospitalization for hip fracture. Journal of Gerontology. 48(5):M187-95.
Williams B.C, Fries B.E, Mehr D.R.  1993.  Length of stay in VA nursing homes. Comparative characteristics of brief-, medium-, and long-stay residents. Journal of Aging & Health. 5(2):208-28.
Fries B.E, Mehr D.R, Schneider D., Foley W.J, Burke R..  1993.  Mental dysfunction and resource use in nursing homes. Medical Care. 31(10):898-920.
Schlentz M.  1993.  The Minimum Data Set and levels of prevention in the long-term care facility.. Geriatric Nursing. 14(2):79-83.
Lubinski R, Frattali C.  1993.  Nursing home reform: The Resident Assessment Instrument.. ASHA. 35(1):59-62.
Maxwell C.J, Hirdes J.P.  1993.  The prevalence of smoking and implications for quality of life among the community-based elderly. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 9(6):338-45.
Phillips C.D, Hawes C., Fries B.E.  1993.  Reducing the use of physical restraints in nursing homes: will it increase costs? American Journal of Public Health. 83(3):342-8.
Perls T.T, Morris J.N, Ooi W.L, Lipsitz L.A.  1993.  The relationship between age, gender and cognitive performance in the very old: the effect of selective survival. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 41(11):1193-201.
Ruchlin H.S, Morris S., Morris J.N.  1993.  Resident medical care utilization patterns in continuing care retirement communities. Health Care Financing Review. 14(4):151-68.
Botz CK, Bestard S, Demaray M, Molloy G.  1993.  Resource Utilization Groups (RUGs): Defining chronic care, rehabilitation and nursing home case mix in Canada.. Healthc Manage Forum. 6(4):5-11.