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Ikegami N.  2004.  The introduction and use of Resident Assessment Instruments-Minimum Data Set in Japan. Geriatrics & gerontology international. 4:S274-S275.
Phillips CD, Preece C, Hawes C.  2005.  Investigating Case-Mix Classification for Elderly Residents in Assisted Living. Seniors Housing & Care Journal. 13(1):21-34.
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Zhang XY, He F, Zhou JY.  2018.  Investigation of the relationship between oral health status and quality of life related indicators among seniors—analysis reusing inter-RAI data. Chin J Geriat Stomatol. 16(3):176-179.
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Steindal S.A, Bredal I.S, Ranhoff A.H, Sorbye L.W, Lerdal A..  2015.  The last three days of life: a comparison of pain management in the young old and the oldest old hospitalised patients using the Resident Assessment Instrument for Palliative Care. International journal of older people nursing. 10(4):263-272.
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