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Medicaid Personal Care Services and caregivers' reports of children's health: the dynamics of a relationship. Health Services Research. 46(6pt1):1803-21.
2011. MDS Cognitive Performance Scale. Journal of Gerontology. 49(4):M174-82.
1994. Measurement choices in multi-site studies of outcomes in dementia. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders. 11(Suppl 6):30-44.
1997. MDS data should be used for research.[comment]. Gerontologist. 32(4):563-4.
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Medicaid payment rates, case-mix reimbursement, and nursing home staffing--1996-2004. Medical Care. 46(1):33-40.
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Medicare Advantage enrollees' use of nursing homes: trends and nursing home characteristics. The American journal of managed care. 24(8):e249-e256.
2018. Medicaid nursing home payment and the role of provider taxes. Med Care Res Rev. 65(4):514-27.
2008. MDS Cognitive Performance Scale. Journal of Gerontology. 49(4):M174-82.
1994. .
Measuring health outcomes for older people using the sage database. Canadian Journal on Aging. 19(SUPPL. 2):67-86.
2000. MDS data should be used for research.[comment]. Gerontologist. 32(4):563-4.
1992. Medical comorbidity and functional status among adults with major mental illness newly admitted to nursing homes. Psychiatr Serv. 62(9):1098-100.
2011. Methods to assess the validity of the interRAI Acute Care: a framework to guide clinimetric testing. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. :no-no.
2010. Methods to assess the reliability of the interRAI Acute Care: a framework to guide clinimetric testing. Part II. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. :no-no.
2011. Methods to assess the validity of the interRAI Acute Care: a framework to guide clinimetric testing. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 18(2):296-306.
2012. Methods to assess the reliability of the interRAI Acute Care: a framework to guide clinimetric testing. Part II. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 18(4):822-827.