interRAI Contact Assessment (CA): strumento di valutazione e manuale d’utilizzo Valutazione di screening per il Pronto Soccorso e accettazione da comunità/ospedale, CA Italian Edition

TitleinterRAI Contact Assessment (CA): strumento di valutazione e manuale d’utilizzo Valutazione di screening per il Pronto Soccorso e accettazione da comunità/ospedale, CA Italian Edition
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsHirdes JP, Curtin-Telegdi N, Poss JW, Gray L, Berg K, Stolee P, Costa AP, Morris JM, Björkgren M, Declercq A, Finne-Soveri H, Fries B, Frijters D, Gilgen R, Henrard J-C, Ljunggren G, Nonemaker S, Steel K, Szczerbinska K
EditionVersion 9.2, Italian Edition
Number of Pages108
CityWashington, DC
Publication LanguageItalian
ISBN Number978-1-936065-65-3
KeywordsEmergency Service, Hospital, Emergency services, Emergency Treatment, Hospitals, methods, Needs Assessment, organization & administration, palliative care, Patient Care Planning

The "interRAI Contact Assessment (CA): strumento di valutazione e manuale d’utilizzo" is the Italian translation of the "interRAI Contact Assessment (CA) Form and User's Manual" and contains country-specific examples for Italy.The interRAI Contact Assessment (CA) System is based on a modular assessment instrument that provides information to support the home care assessment intake and emergency department referral processes. The assessment form begins with a shared demographic section and then directs assessors to either the Community/Hospital Intake module (a home care intake assessment for persons in the community or hospital, including the emergency room) or the Emergency Department Screener module (which supports referral decision-making for primary care staff in the emergency department). These assessments should be completed electronically in order to provide instantaneous results for the clinical algorithms and indicators embedded in the CA instrument.The CA is not a substitute for a comprehensive interRAI assessment. It records only essential information needed at the time of intake to support decisions regarding the need for more comprehensive assessment, the urgency of home support service provision, and the need for specialised services.This book contains introductory material; item-by-item guides to the common section of the CA assessment form and to both CA modules; decision support algorithms for both modules; and the assessment form itself, including both modules.