The use of preventive home visits among frail elderly persons: Evidence from three European countries

TitleThe use of preventive home visits among frail elderly persons: Evidence from three European countries
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsHirdes J.P, Naus P.J, Young J.E
JournalCanadian Journal on Aging
Accession NumberNo WOS number
Keywords*aging, *health care cost, *health promotion, *preventive medicine, Aged, article, Canada, Denmark, Europe, health care policy, home accident, home care, Human, Netherlands, prevention, united kingdom

The interest in preventive approaches to the health problems of older persons has increased substentially in recent years, partly in response to escalating health care costs. The present paper involves a critical examination of the potential usefulness of preventive home visits in the Canadian context in light of demonstration projects in other jurisdictions. The paper concludes with recommendations for Canadian research on the use of preventive home visits.