COLLAGE 360: A Model of Person-Centered Care To Promote Health Among Older Adults

TitleCOLLAGE 360: A Model of Person-Centered Care To Promote Health Among Older Adults
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsHoward EP, Schreiber R, Morris JN, Russotto A, Flashner-Fineman S
JournalJournal of ageing research and healthcare
Date Published07/27/2016
ISBN Number2474-7785

Health care leaders and providers have introduced the assumption the typical elder, even in the presence of complex, chronic disease and prevailing illness, is capable of assuming greater personal responsibility for their health care, with a shift from provider-centered to a person-centered model of care. For older adults who often and repeatedly face challenges managing and maintaining their health status, guidance and support is needed. In this study, COLLAGE 360, a comprehensive assessment system and wellness coaching program that focuses on prevention and wellness, care coordination and self-management of health care was implemented in one continuing care retirement community. Following completion of two assessment tools via directed conversation with a wellness coach, older adults developed an individualized vitality plan that outlined life goals, supporting goals and action plans for goal achievement. Results from this program suggest engagement in the assessment and wellness coaching process via the COLLAGE 360 program translated into sample older adults sensing that they live in a more supportive environment when compared with elders not receiving any wellness coaching. In addition, the older adults had positive effects in the areas of mood, loneliness, social interaction, health status, and life satisfaction. Strategies to improve health and well being need an extended focus beyond the older adult’s medical conditions and consider psychological, spiritual and social needs with personal preferences being paramount. These issues are foundational to a person-centered, health promotion approach needed among this population.




Short TitleCOLLAGE 360