Functional assessment (ADL, IADL) of the elderly in home care

TitleFunctional assessment (ADL, IADL) of the elderly in home care
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsJarosova D.
JournalPrakticky Lekar
Keywords*ADL disability, *Home care, age, Aged, article, daily life activity, Falling, functional assessment, Human, independence, mental health, sex, social isolation, statistical analysis

A significant indicator of an old person's state of health is the level of his/her functional state which directly influences the extent of his/her self-sufficiency and independency. The evaluation of ADL and IADL is one of the most frequent functional assessments of seniors. In 2003, there has been conducted an investigation in 226 seniors over 65 years old - clients of home care agencies. One of the objectives of the research was the evaluation of their functional state which was implemented through an instrument for assessment MDS-HC. Seniors found the performing of physically demanding everyday activities and activities done outside their home as the most difficult. The differences in the influence of age and sex on the level of the functional state were not proved. There have been found statistically significant links between seniors' decreased level of self-sufficiency (ADL, IADL) and their psychic state, the way of habitation, social isolation, the risk of falls, and the taking advantage of lay and professional care.