Expenditures for long-term care services by community elders

TitleExpenditures for long-term care services by community elders
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsRuchlin H.S, Morris J.N, Gutkin C.E, Sherwood S.
JournalHealth Care Financing Review
Date PublishedSpring
Accession Number10313097
Keywords*Health Expenditures/sn [Statistics & Numerical Data], *Long-Term Care/ec [Economics], Activities of Daily Living, Aged, Community Health Services/ec [Economics], Costs and Cost Analysis/sn [Statistics & Numerical Data], Data Collection, Health Status, Home Care Services/ec [Economics], Human, Institutionalization/ec [Economics], Longitudinal Studies, Risk Factors, Support, Non-U.S. Gov't, United States

Costs of care are presented for elderly persons in five community-based settings. These settings include elderly persons living in their own homes or in group housing and who do or do not receive case-managed home care. Expenditures for care ranged from a low of about $1,100 per year to a high of $4,025. The level of expenditure was directly related to risk of institutionalization and was higher for those receiving case-managed home care. As a majority of the elderly use a substantial amount of care even without case management, the potential for community care demonstration programs to yield significant cost savings appears quite limited.



Short TitleHealth Care Financ Rev
Alternate JournalHealth Care Financ Rev