Case mix for nursing home payment: resource utilization groups, version II

TitleCase mix for nursing home payment: resource utilization groups, version II
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1988
AuthorsSchneider D.P, Fries B.E, Foley W.J, Desmond M., Gormley W.J
JournalHealth Care Financing Review
Date PublishedDec
Accession Number10312971
Keywords*Diagnosis-Related Groups/mt [Methods], *Fee Schedules, *Long-Term Care/cl [Classification], *Medicaid/ec [Economics], *Nursing Homes/ec [Economics], Activities of Daily Living, Models, Theoretical, New York, Rate Setting and Review, Support, U.S. Gov't, Non-P.H.S.

A study of 3,427 nursing home residents in New York State, measuring both resources used and resident characteristics, was used to develop a resident classification system for payment purposes. The system balances clinical, statistical, and administrative criteria, making it useful both for the New York State Medicaid payment system and for quality of care and facility management.

Short TitleHealth Care Financ Rev
Alternate JournalHealth Care Financ Rev