Data Quality Documentation for the Ontario Chronic Care Patient System (OCCPS)

TitleData Quality Documentation for the Ontario Chronic Care Patient System (OCCPS)
Publication TypeGovernment Report
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsCIHI) CInstitute
EditionApril 20, 2004
PublisherCanadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI)

Purpose of Data Quality DocumentationThis document has four major objectives. First is to provide background information on theOntario Chronic Care Patient System (OCCPS) and the assessment instrument upon whichit is based, InterRAI MDS 2.0©. Second is to provide insight and guidance regardingdatabase structure, Table linkages, and the development of flat files for analyses. Third isto provide sufficient information to allow users to decide whether the quality of the OCCPSdata is appropriate for its intended use. In particular, this document will flag and explaindata quality issues relevant to analysis and interpretation. Last, it will inform users of thedata quality improvements expected as a consequence of OCCPS conversion to theContinuing Care Reporting System (CCRS).

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